
Se recebe pensões ou prestações por vale postal, atenção a esta mudança em janeiro
Supports and subsidies

Attention to this change in January for those who receive pensions or benefits through postal money orders.

From this January, the envelope used to send postal orders related to pensions and social benefits will be changed.

20 Jan 20251 min

Custo do risco de crédito deverá permanecer reduzido nos bancos europeus em 2025
Housing Credit Acquisition

Cost of credit risk expected to remain low in European banks in 2025.

European banks are expected to continue benefiting from low and stable credit risk costs in 2025, according to DBRS.

20 Jan 20252 min

Transferências imediatas são agora mais baratas

Instant transfers are now cheaper.

Instant transfers are now cheaper, with the entry into force of a new Regulation.

20 Jan 20252 min

IUC passa a ter pagamento em data fixa e pode ser pago em prestações

IUC will now have fixed date payment and can be paid in instalments.

Starting in 2026, the Single Circulation Tax (IUC) will no longer be paid in the month of registration and will have a single payment date for all vehicles, which can be paid in installments in some cases.

20 Jan 20252 min

Qual o dia de sorte financeira de cada signo este ano?

What is each zodiac sign's financial lucky day for this year?

Consult the list and find yours.

17 Jan 20251 min

IRS: Saiba as datas importantes a cumprir antes de entregar a declaração

IRS: Know the important dates to meet before submitting the declaration.

The IRS starts being delivered in April, but there are deadlines to meet. Here are the important dates.

17 Jan 20252 min

Janeiro trará ganhos financeiros significativos para três signos

January will bring significant financial gains for three signs.

Is yours among them?

16 Jan 20251 min

Portugal ocupa o 7.º lugar na UE com mais fontes de energia renováveis

Portugal ranks 7th in the EU with the most renewable energy sources.

Portugal registered 35% of renewable sources in final energy consumption in 2023, consolidating itself as the 7th country in the European Union (EU) with the highest utilization of these energies, above the European average of 24.5%.

16 Jan 20251 min

Recibos verdes: Saiba se pode estar isento de retenção na fonte

Green receipts: Find out if you can be exempt from withholding tax

If you are a self-employed worker, you may be exempt from withholding tax. But in which situations does this exemption apply?

15 Jan 20252 min

Estas 8 profissões estão abrangidas pelo regime fiscal para novos residentes

These 8 professions are covered by the tax regime for new residents.

The IFICI+ tax regime replaces the non-habitual resident statute, offering a reduced IRS rate of 20% to attract highly skilled professionals in areas such as health, technology, and innovation.

15 Jan 20252 min

O início do ano promete prosperidade para quatro signos

The beginning of the year promises prosperity for four signs.

Will it be about you or about someone you know?

14 Jan 20251 min

O que muda nos impostos em 2025?

What changes in taxes in 2025?

By 2025, the government decided to keep the rates of most taxes unchanged, while at the municipal level, it increased the number of municipalities applying the minimum IMI rate or making small reductions compared to the 2024 value.

14 Jan 20253 min

Espera uma encomenda internacional? Consulte no Portal das Finanças

Waiting for an international order? Check on the Finance Portal.

If you ordered products from outside the European Union and have not received them yet, you can check the status of your order quickly and conveniently on the Finance Portal.

13 Jan 20251 min

Portagens sobem em 2025, mas alguns troços são eliminados

Tolls increase in 2025, but some sections are eliminated.

Stay updated on the road changes that will impact the wallets of the Portuguese in 2025.

13 Jan 20252 min

Inflação sobe de 2,5% em novembro para 3,0% em dezembro

Inflation rises from 2.5% in November to 3.0% in December.

In December, inflation in Portugal rose significantly to 3.0%, according to the National Institute of Statistics (INE): Representing an increase of 0.5 percentage points compared to November.

10 Jan 20252 min