Articles about:

Mortgage credit
Consultores imobiliários mais positivos face à melhoria da procura
House Purchase

Real estate consultants more positive about improving demand.

The real estate market is beginning to improve now, and real estate consultants are showing more positivity. Understand what is at stake and, if you are looking to buy a house, find out how we can help you.

21 Feb 20242 min

Crédito habitação: Amortizações antecipadas quase duplicam em 2023
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Mortgage credit: Early repayments nearly double in 2023

With the rise in interest rates, early repayment of housing credit was a popular option for the Portuguese in 2023 to avoid high interest rates. Check out the numbers.

15 Feb 20242 min

Taxa mista foi o regime contratado em 71% dos créditos habitação em 2023
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Mixed rate was the contracted regime in 71% of home loans in 2023.

The mixed interest rate represented 71% of housing credit contracts in 2023. Check out the data, released by the Bank of Portugal (BdP).

14 Feb 20243 min

Compra de casa: Preços dos imóveis sobem 0,8% em janeiro
Housing Credit Acquisition

House buying: Real estate prices rise 0.8% in January.

The real estate market continues to experience a rise in house prices. Want to buy a house? Find out how to locate the ideal deal.

08 Feb 20242 min

Compra de casa: Portugueses procuram mais barato e com maior financiamento
Housing Credit Acquisition

House purchasing: Portuguese seek cheaper homes with higher financing.

Data shows that by the end of 2023, Portuguese people were looking for cheaper houses to buy, relying on larger financing from banks. Learn more about the data at the following link.

02 Feb 20242 min

Taxas de juro vão baixar no verão? Largarde assume possibilidade
Mortgage Savings Credit

Interest rates will lower in the summer? Lagarde assumes possibility.

Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank (ECB), acknowledges the possibility of interest rates potentially being cut in the summer. Understand the leader's words better in the article.

24 Jan 20243 min

Fixar a prestação da casa: Ainda pode aderir ao apoio do Governo
Mortgage Savings Credit

Fixed installment of the house: You can still join the Government support.

The request can be made until March this year, and entitles you to a fixed amount of monthly installment in home credit. Learn how it works.

22 Jan 20243 min

Bancos emprestam novo máximo no crédito habitação a particulares
Housing Credit Acquisition

Banks lend new maximum in mortgage credit to individuals.

A new record was reached in terms of home loan lending by banks to individuals in the last month of November. Find out the numbers involved and how to hire the best home loan in 2024.

16 Jan 20243 min

Poupar mais de 1.300 euros por ano? Experimente a estratégia das 52 semanas
Mortgage Savings Credit

Save over 1,300 euros per year? Try the 52 weeks strategy.

Do you need to save money in 2024 for a larger margin in your monthly family budget, or for a future project? There are several strategies you can use, such as the 52-week challenge. Have you heard of it? Find out how it works, next.

15 Jan 20244 min

Taxa de inflação na zona euro aumenta em dezembro
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Inflation rate in the euro area increases in December

After a downward cycle for seven months, the inflation rate in the Eurozone is now increasing again in December, according to Eurostat data. Understand what is at stake and how to ensure greater budget stability, in the face of the instability of the current economic situation.

12 Jan 20243 min

Quais os apoios sociais reforçados em 2024?
Supports and subsidies

What social supports strengthened in 2024?

According to a publication shared by the Government on social media, find out which social support will be reinforced in 2024. And if you are not entitled to any of these supports, learn about other options to lighten your budget.

12 Jan 20243 min

Taxa de inflação recua em dezembro: Saiba qual a média total de 2023
Mortgage Credit Renegotiation

Inflation rate drops in December: Find out the total average for 2023.

The inflation rate has dropped again, now to 1.4%. With this, it is now possible to finalize the average for the year 2023. Learn about the data involved and how to take advantage of this moment to review the budget.

10 Jan 20243 min

Com a atualização de rendas, quanto pode aumentar a renda em 2024?

With the update of rents, how much can the rent increase in 2024?

Unlike what happened in 2023, the rent update in 2024 will not have any established limit. The forecast for the update is 6.94%. So, what does this increase in rent mean?

08 Jan 20242 min

Casas encareceram (significativamente) em 2023
Housing Credit Acquisition

Houses appreciated in 2023

The price of houses throughout 2023 has been rising, especially in 17 district capitals. But by how much has it increased and how to buy a house in 2024?

05 Jan 20242 min

Crédito habitação: Prestações indexadas à Euribor vão descer a todos os prazos em 2024
Mortgage Savings Credit

Mortgage credit: Euribor-indexed installments will decrease for all terms in 2024.

For those with a variable interest rate housing loan, 2024 brings good news: an expected relief in Euribor rates for three, six, and 12 month terms. Find out when.

28 Dec 20234 min