Articles about:

Real Estate
Mercado imobiliário: Projeções preveem crescimento de 8% em 2025

Real estate market: Projections forecast 8% growth in 2025

The Portuguese real estate market is expected to grow by 8% in 2025, reaching 2.5 billion euros in investments, with a focus on the hospitality, retail, and sustainability sectors.

30 Jan 20251 min

Menos casas vendidas em 2023? Preços aumentaram 11,8%
House for Sale

Fewer homes sold in 2023? Prices increased by 11.8%

According to data released, fewer houses were sold in 2023 compared to the previous year, but the justification may lie in the increase in prices. Understand better, next.

02 Feb 20243 min

Venda de casas vai abrandar em 2024? Inquérito conclui que sim
House Purchase

Sale of houses will slow down in 2024? Survey concludes yes

What will happen to the sale of houses in the real estate market in 2024? Find out the data collected from a survey conducted with experts and learn how to buy a house this year.

17 Jan 20242 min

Vistoria imobiliária: Como funciona e quando fazer?
House Purchase

Real estate inspection: How does it work and when to do it?

Are you going to buy or rent a house, but want to check the conservation status of the property first? Yes, you can do it! Through a real estate inspection. But how does this service work and when can you hire it?

22 Aug 20233 min

Uma mão a segurar chaves com um porta-chaves com uma casa que visa representar o ato de comprar casa
House Purchase

What should you do before buying a home?

Want to buy a property and don't know the steps to move forward with the process? We explain, in this article, three phases you should follow before buying a house, and how credit intermediaries can help.

11 Aug 20233 min

Glossário do crédito habitação
Housing Credit Acquisition

Housing credit glossary

Are you going to apply for a mortgage to buy your home? Know that, throughout the process, you may come across expressions that can be confusing. We have prepared a glossary about mortgage credit to help you know everything.

11 Aug 202310 min