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New measures for housing credit
Financiamento a 100% no crédito habitação para jovens já pode ser pedido
Housing Credit Acquisition

100% financing in mortgage credit for young people can now be requested.

Young people can already apply for 100% financing to purchase a home with a mortgage, through the new public guarantee measure.

30 Sep 20242 min

Como poupar milhares de euros na compra da primeira casa? | Dicas para poupar com Gonçalo Malheiro

How to save thousands of euros when buying your first home? | Tips on saving with Gonçalo Malheiro.

The new section "Tips for saving" with Gonçalo Malheiro, Financial Educator and creator of digital content related to finance, now explains how to save on buying a house.

30 Sep 20241 min

Nota euros simbolizando compra de casa por jovens garantia governo
Housing Credit Acquisition

Purchase of house by young people: Government will guarantee up to 15% of acquisition value.

The new measure is aimed at young people up to 35 years old and will ensure 15% of the purchase value of the house, up to 450,000 euros. Understand it better and find out when it takes effect.

23 May 20242 min

Fixar a prestação da casa: Ainda pode aderir ao apoio do Governo
Mortgage Savings Credit

Fixed installment of the house: You can still join the Government support.

The request can be made until March this year, and entitles you to a fixed amount of monthly installment in home credit. Learn how it works.

22 Jan 20243 min

IRS 2024: Qual a diferença entre os escalões e as tabelas de retenção?
Mortgage Savings Credit

IRS 2024: What is the difference between the brackets and the withholding tables?

The Tax Authority (AT) has clarified the difference between the tax brackets and IRS withholding tables, so that taxpayers can better understand the tax they contribute to. Also, it is important to remember that in 2024, the bracket limits will be updated.

13 Dec 20234 min

Se fixar a prestação da casa, vou pagar mais juros?
Housing Credit Acquisition

If I pay the installment, will I pay more interest?

Questions regarding the fixing of home loan installments through a government measure remain: Will I end up paying more interest if I join? The Bank of Portugal explains that yes. Learn more in this article.

05 Dec 20233 min

Dificuldade em pagar casa aumenta: Como baixar prestação do crédito?
Mortgage Savings Credit

Difficulty in paying home increases: How to lower loan installment?

The difficulty in paying for housing by the Portuguese has increased with the context of rising interest rates and inflation that we are going through. In times like these, find out how to lower the installment of your mortgage.

24 Nov 20235 min

Fixar prestação da casa: Banco pode analisar a sua capacidade financeira
Housing Credit Acquisition

House installment fix: Bank can analyze your financial capability.

Do you want to fix the installment of your mortgage with the government measure? Your bank may request additional data before sending you the plan. Find out what it is, and if there is another way to fix your installment, then.

22 Nov 20233 min

Estive ao abrigo do PARI. Posso fixar a prestação da casa?
Mortgage Credit Transfer

I was under the PARI. Can I fix the house payment?

The issue arises within the scope of the legislation of the new Government measure to support the Portuguese with their home loans, fixing and lowering the monthly amounts. Find out if you have already been or are currently under the PARI program with your mortgage, you can join the support in question.

21 Nov 20234 min

Fixar a prestação da casa? Já pode: Mas saiba se está elegível
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Fixing the house? You can now: But make sure you are eligible.

It is already possible to join the Government measure to fix and reduce the value of your monthly home payment. Find out if you are eligible and, if you are not, how else you can save on your home loan.

13 Nov 20234 min

Crédito habitação: BPI considera que só deve fixar a prestação quem tem dificuldades
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Home loan: BPI believes that only those with difficulties should fix the installment.

Based on a news article released by Notícias ao Minuto, João Pedro Oliveira e Costa, president of BPI (partner bank of Poupança no Minuto), believes that only families in difficulty should join the fixed monthly installment regime for housing credit - a government support measure. Let's see why.

06 Nov 20235 min

Resgatar PPR para amortizar crédito habitação? Saiba como
Mortgage Savings Credit

Redeem PPR to pay off mortgage? Find out how at:

Do you have a Retirement Savings Plan (PPR) and want to withdraw funds early to pay off your mortgage? This is a process you can go through, but with certain conditions.

26 Oct 20235 min

OE2024. Quanto posso poupar no próximo ano com as mudanças?
Mortgage Credit Transfer

OE2024. How much can I save next year with the changes?

With the new measures outlined in the State Budget of 2024, which value the salaries of the Portuguese, how much can we save in total? According to the new changes that strengthen incomes, let's see the savings generated by each one, but also how much you can save if you have a mortgage and transfer it.

26 Oct 20235 min

Crédito habitação: Quanto posso poupar com as novas medidas e com transferência?
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Mortgage credit: How much can I save with the new measures and with transfer?

The measures announced by the Government to help the Portuguese with their home loans allow to slightly alleviate the amount they pay for the mortgage. But how much? And comparing with a home loan transfer, which option saves more? We explain, through concrete examples, the savings that can be generated by the various options.

17 Oct 20235 min

OE2024: O que se prevê na habitação e como se preparar
Housing Credit Acquisition

OE2024: What is expected in housing and how to prepare for it.

The measures for housing in 2024 have been strengthened and detailed in the new State Budget. We explain in this article what changes for the next year and how to prepare at the level of housing credit.

17 Oct 20237 min