Are you young and looking for a house? The three government measures for housing.
If you are young and looking for a house to buy or rent, the Government has created a program "Build Portugal" that will facilitate access to housing for young people. Learn about the measures involved.
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Three measures by the Government to facilitate access to housing for young people.
In its program "Build Portugal", which aims to facilitate young people's access to housing to keep them in the country and reduce emigration, the Government is promoting three measures to help them get a house.
The measures in question will be approved at an extraordinary Council of Ministers, but some of the Government's proposals are already on the table.
Three measures were shared by the Executive on the social network Instagram, quoting:
- "Public guarantee to young people to enable bank financing";
- "IMT and Stamp Duty exemption for individuals up to 35 years old in properties up to the 4th bracket (up to 316 thousand euros)";
- Porta 65 Reformulation: putting the economic reality of young people first, ending exclusions based on income limits.
In addition, the IMT exemption will have an income limit, according to the Minister of Housing, without the need for the amount from which the young person will no longer benefit from this fiscal measure, as all measures targeted at young people will be included in the law and presented at the extraordinary meeting in question.
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