By law, when does the rent for the house need to be paid?
The question is clarified by Dantas Rodrigues, in the "Work and taxes (un)complicated" section of Notícias ao Minuto, about work, personal finances, and taxes. Find out the answer next.
Income can be paid on the first working day of the month up to the 8th day.
According to the law, the author of the column explains that the rent is paid on the last day of the contract's effectiveness or the period to which it refers.
"However, normally, the parties agree that the income is due in twelve equal monthly instalments, becoming due on the first business day of the month, immediately preceding the relevant month, with the possibility of payment up to the 8th following day, starting from its commencement, period from which the tenant will be considered in default," explains Dantas Rodrigues.
Another issue to consider: if the first day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, you can pay until the next business day.
"Being the first working day of the month on March 1, 2024, the income can be paid until March 8, 2024, Friday," exemplifies. "If, instead of falling on a Friday, this last day falls on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, for example, March 16 or 17, 2024, then the last day in which the delay could be ceased would be March 18, 2024," can be read.
Do you no longer want to rent and want to buy a house? Poupança no Minuto is here for you! We take care of all the contracting, negotiation, and formalization of your home loan through a process at no cost. Contact us and save time and money!