Rent prices increase by 6.5% in February.
The increase is even more significant than the previous month. Check out the values involved.
Looking for a house to rent or buy: The real estate agency Casa no Minuto can find the right property for you! As well as the credit intermediaries from Poupança no Minuto help you in case you need financing for initial expenses or a home loan!
Incomes rise for the second consecutive month.
The rent values of houses rose by 6.5% in February, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics (INE) shared by Notícias ao Minuto.
With the limit imposed on the value of rents in force in 2023, and removed in 2024, this is the second month that the price has risen.
Per square meter, the increased value of 6.5% is even higher than that of January: which showed a 5.9% increase, with all regions showing year-on-year increases.
The data reveals that in February "all regions showed positive year-on-year variations in housing rents, with Lisbon registering the most intense increase (6.8%)," the news article explains.
On a monthly basis, the average value of housing rents per square meter had a variation of 1.0%, 0.4% less than the previous month. Lisbon was the region with the highest positive monthly variation, with 1.2%, and there was no region with a drop in the respective average value of housing rents.
You already know... if you are looking for a property to buy or rent, and financing, we have the ideal services for you: The real estate agency Casa no Minuto and the credit intermediaries of Poupança no Minuto. Contact us according to your needs and ensure the support you need!