Post-hiring management of a mortgage credit: What you need to know.
Discover everything about managing a home loan, after signing the contract.
Having a contracted home loan implies numerous financial responsibilities, as well as being a guarantor. By being a guarantor of a loan, if the holder fails to make the monthly payment, you become responsible for the debt. Therefore, it is important to take this into account when contracting one or more loans.
If you encounter difficulties in paying off debts, you can reduce the amount you pay monthly in the short term by resorting to grace periods or capital deferment, two processes that allow you to "push" a certain amount of debt to the end of the loan term.
In case your credit is refused, it may have been due to the DSTI factor - Debt Service-to-Income - which indicates the financial effort of a client towards the settlement of a debt.
Learn more about all these topics in the articles below.