Default on mortgage: Consequences and solutions.
Learn what happens if you default on your home loan, and how to resolve it.
Failure to comply with home credit can create difficult situations for borrowers, but there are mechanisms that help deal with these difficulties, such as the PERSI (Extrajudicial Procedure for Regularizing Non-Compliance Situations) and the PARI (Action Plan for Default Risk).
These processes aim to support clients in renegotiating credit before the situation worsens. In addition, those who default must be aware that they may be charged with late fees, increasing the total debt amount. Understand everything in the articles below.
Related articles:
- Failure to pay housing credit: Learn what PERSI can do for you.
- PARI and PERSI: What are these processes in credit default? Find out more at https://www.poupancanominuto.com/artigos/credito-habitacao/pari-e-persi-o-que-sao-estes-processos-no-incumprimento-de-credito
- I defaulted on my mortgage, do I have to pay default interest? (Translated from Portuguese)