O que é o VPT e como o coeficiente de afetação impacta o seu valor?

What is the VPT and how does the coefficient of affectation impact its value?

Do you know what the Taxable Asset Value (VPT) is? And the allocation coefficient (Ca), a value that impacts the VPT amount and how much you pay for Real Estate Municipal Tax (IMI)? We will explain everything right away.

05 Mar 20243 min

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When buying a property, to clarify all these doubts, it is important to seek support and advice: For the search for your property, rely on the consultants of Casa no Minuto and to find the right financing - if necessary - talk to a credit intermediary from Poupança no Minuto!

What is the Taxable Asset Value and how is it calculated?

The Taxable Asset Value (VPT) is the real value of a property, determined in a given year, based on certain factors such as: the allocation coefficient, the gross construction area, the location coefficient, the quality and comfort coefficient, and the antiquity coefficient. More information can be found at the following link: value of a property

This value is indicated on the Finance Portal and in the Property Booklet of the property, as well as in the Municipal Property Tax (IMI) Code. This is because it is through the VPT that the value to be paid for IMI is calculated.

The VPT value can be updated every three years, if the owner requests a reassessment from the Tax Authority. This can be a technique to decrease the amount paid for property tax, but it can also have the opposite effect: it may result in an increase in the property tax value.

So, as mentioned above, the VPT value is calculated through the following formula, which aggregates the various factors: 

VPT = Vc x A x Ca x Cl x Cq x Cv, where: 

  • Vc = Base value of built buildings
  • A = Gross building area + area exceeding the deployment area  
  • Ca = Affectation coefficient  
  • Cl = Localization coefficient  
  • Cq = Quality and comfort coefficient  
  • Cv = Coefficient of ageing  

So that you don't have to do the calculation yourself, the Tax Authority helps you to reach the values above and calculate the VPT through a simulator:

But what is the affectation coefficient after all?

Being one of the factors in the formula that allows calculating the VPT, the coefficient of allocation thus impacts the amount to be paid in IMI.  

In the end, this value is the effective use given to a property: whether it is for residential, commercial, a garage, among others. According to article 41 of the CIMI, the coefficient can range from 0.08 to 1.20.

If the property is intended for housing, the defined value is 1.00, if it is intended for social housing subject to a legal regime of controlled costs it is 0.70, and for buildings not licensed in deficient habitability conditions it is 0.45.

In case it is intended for commercial establishment, the Ca reaches 1.20, if it is intended for services it corresponds to 1.10, and for warehouses or properties of industrial activity it is 0.60.  

Finally, if it is intended for covered parking, the Ca is 0.40, 0.08 for uncovered, and 0.35 for collections and storage spaces.

Therefore, the CA is a factor that also directly implies the value to be paid for the IMI, differentiating the use and purpose of a property so that there is a fairer distribution of the tax burden.

If you need answers to other questions related to buying a house: The real estate agency Casa no Minuto Casa no Minuto is available to help you, as well as accompany you throughout the process of searching and buying your property until the deed!

Do you also need financing? To access the best housing credit offer for you: Talk to a credit intermediary from Poupança no Minuto!


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