Related to: "Rent house: Prices rise 7.2% in August"

Arrendar uma casa: O que é e compensa comprar para arrendar?

Renting a house: What is it and is it worth buying to rent?

What does the concept of leasing mean? Does it differ from renting? And is it worth buying a house to rent out? We answer all these questions in this article.

23 Oct 20233 min

É arrendatário? Prepare-se para a subida da renda em 2024

Are you a tenant? Get ready for the rent increase in 2024

Do you live in a rented house? The maximum annual rent update ceiling of 2%, limited by the government in 2023, will no longer exist in 2024. The new solution is still being studied, but landlords already confess to terminating contracts if a new brake is imposed. Find out how much your rent can increase and what solutions to choose in case of a tight budget.

20 Oct 20235 min

Candidaturas a rendas acessíveis terminam no final de outubro

Applications for affordable rents end in late October.

The Rent to Sublet Program will have applications to access affordable rent houses open until the end of this month. Find out if you can apply and how to access other options.

24 Oct 20233 min

Quais os concelhos de Lisboa com as rendas mais baixas?

Which are the Lisbon councils with the lowest rents?

Analysis announces which Lisbon councils currently have the lowest rental values. Find out which ones and how to access renting more easily.

06 Nov 20233 min

Rendas: Conheça os novos apoios para inquilinos

Income: Learn about the new support for tenants.

The rent control imposed in 2023 ends in December, and new supports will be implemented starting in January. Learn about the supports and the impact they may have on your budget.

31 Oct 20233 min

Presidente da República promulga alargamento do apoio à renda

President of the Republic promulgates extension of rent support.

The President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, has promulgated the improvement and expansion of the extraordinary support for rent. Find out more about these changes and what you need to do if you want to rent a house in 2024.

14 Nov 20232 min

Pacote Mais Habitação: Como são definidas as rendas nos contratos de arrendamento?

Housing Plus Package: How are rents defined in lease agreements?

The rents stipulated in the lease agreements included in the Mais Habitação package, in effect since October 7th, vary according to the length of time a property has been on the rental market. Let's see how, next.

29 Nov 20233 min

Preços das casas estabilizam, mas valor das rendas sobe 39% este ano
House Purchase

House prices stabilize, but rents increase by 39% this year.

The cost to buy and rent a home has significantly increased compared to November 2022. However, the prices of homes for sale have been stabilizing, while rental prices continue to rise. Understand these data better, by following the link.

13 Dec 20233 min

Rendas do IHRU inalteradas em 2024, mas rendas gerais com aumento de 6,94%

IHRU rents unchanged in 2024, but general rents increase by 6.94%

In 2024, how will rental values in Portugal be? At IHRU, they will not be updated, but in general, the update will follow inflation. However, the Government will provide support for rent, subject to certain conditions. Understand better what is at stake and how to find the right rental opportunity.

20 Dec 20233 min

Vai visitar uma casa para arrendar? Atenção: Não precisa de comprovar rendimentos

Are you going to visit a house for rent? Attention: No need to prove income.

Looking for a house to rent and they asked you to prove your income before the first visit? Be careful: You don't need to do it! Deco Proteste explains why.

28 Dec 20233 min

Renda mediana por m2 aumentou no 3.º trimestre de 2023

Median income per m2 increased in the 3rd quarter of 2023

According to INE, the median rent per square meter increased in the 3rd quarter of 2023. In the face of this data, how to rent a house in the near future?

04 Jan 20242 min

Aumento da renda implica um aviso com antecedência de 30 dias

Increased income implies a 30-day advance notice.

If you have not received any notice yet, your rent will not increase shortly. Note: the landlord needs to give 30 days notice in advance. Understand better, next.

05 Jan 20242 min

Com a atualização de rendas, quanto pode aumentar a renda em 2024?

With the update of rents, how much can the rent increase in 2024?

Unlike what happened in 2023, the rent update in 2024 will not have any established limit. The forecast for the update is 6.94%. So, what does this increase in rent mean?

08 Jan 20242 min

Valor médio das rendas e venda de casas subiu (significativamente) de 2022 para 2023
Housing Credit Acquisition

Average rental and home sale prices significantly increased from 2022 to 2023.

The average value of both rents and house prices increased significantly in 2023 compared to 2022. Find out the numbers in question, and how to find the property at the best cost.

11 Jan 20243 min

Compensa comprar casa para arrendar? Conheça os dados de 2023
Housing Credit Acquisition

Is it worth buying a house to rent out? Discover the 2023 data.

According to data released by Idealista and later shared in a news article by Notícias ao Minuto, in 2023 it was worthwhile to buy a house to rent in most Portuguese cities. Find out more about the data, the profitability by district, and if the process is worth it, then.

15 Jan 20243 min