President of the Republic promulgates extension of rent support.
The President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, has promulgated the improvement and expansion of the extraordinary support for rent. Find out more about these changes and what you need to do if you want to rent a house in 2024.
Rent a house? Credit for small or large projects? Here we have everything: Contact Casa no Minuto for access to a real estate consultant and Poupança no Minuto for a credit intermediary. If you want to understand first the rental support, now approved by the President of the Republic, which will be in effect in 2024, read on.
Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa approves decree-law extending and improving rent support.
The changes imposed on income support for 2024 have now been promulgated by the President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, through a government decree.
The diploma in question "changes the extraordinary support for families to pay rent," as seen in a note released on the Presidency's website.
This document introduces changes to the extraordinary support for rental already in force in 2023. But what changes are at stake?
The decree-law just enacted comes from the Government and extends and improves the extraordinary support for rent, as indicated by the Minister of Housing, Marina Gonçalves, in a press conference. The objective was to avoid a new "brake" on rent updates in 2024, as imposed this year.
So, the changes to the support aim to "mitigate the effect of the increase in rents in 2024 and have two main dimensions: on one hand, ensure that families up to the 6th income bracket with a 35% effort rate have an automatic increase of 4.4% on the rent value and, on the other hand, widen the deduction limit, which is 502 euros in rental contracts, to 550 euros," according to the Minister of Housing.
Do you want to rent a house? We can help
If you are looking for a house to rent and are in the process of gathering information, why not seek help?
A real estate agency can help you find your rental property, and if you need financing for the initial expenses involved in the process or others, you can also hire a credit intermediary.
With the help of professionals in bureaucratic processes, such as renting a property, you can be "freed" from the most challenging parts of the procedure.
In case you need a real estate agency, contact Casa no Minuto, and if you need a credit intermediary, you are in the right place: Talk to Poupança no Minuto.