Extended income support: Find out if you qualify.
Help will be extended, but only in specific situations.
Help will be extended, but only in specific situations.
You can now request support if you are renting a house in Lisbon with a rent that corresponds to 30% or more of your monthly income.
Tenants with a changed, renewed, or replaced contract will once again be eligible for extraordinary rent support if their access requirements remain the same. Understand more about it next.
Landlords have been making tenants sign new contracts, preventing families from accessing rent support. Understand better in the following URL.
Renting a house for a temporary period, between 1 and 11 months, is a concept that has emerged in the real estate market. Understand more in the article.
Applications are now open and will extend until March 9. Find out if you are eligible to apply.
The January payment of income support has already been made, now with the reinforcement planned for 2024. Realize the amount involved, if you are entitled to this support, and learn about other solutions to increase income.
In 2024, how will rental values in Portugal be? At IHRU, they will not be updated, but in general, the update will follow inflation. However, the Government will provide support for rent, subject to certain conditions. Understand better what is at stake and how to find the right rental opportunity.
The rents stipulated in the lease agreements included in the Mais Habitação package, in effect since October 7th, vary according to the length of time a property has been on the rental market. Let's see how, next.
The President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, has promulgated the improvement and expansion of the extraordinary support for rent. Find out more about these changes and what you need to do if you want to rent a house in 2024.
The rent control imposed in 2023 ends in December, and new supports will be implemented starting in January. Learn about the supports and the impact they may have on your budget.
The Rent to Sublet Program will have applications to access affordable rent houses open until the end of this month. Find out if you can apply and how to access other options.
Do you live in a rented house? The maximum annual rent update ceiling of 2%, limited by the government in 2023, will no longer exist in 2024. The new solution is still being studied, but landlords already confess to terminating contracts if a new brake is imposed. Find out how much your rent can increase and what solutions to choose in case of a tight budget.
The measures for housing in 2024 have been strengthened and detailed in the new State Budget. We explain in this article what changes for the next year and how to prepare at the level of housing credit.
Living in another city to be able to study at your dream university can be costly. However, there are State programs in Portugal that allow for renting at a lower cost. An example is the Porta 65 rental program, aimed at young people.