Related to: "Mortgage credit: Implicit interest rate decreases again in January."

Crédito habitação: Taxa de juro diminui pelo 7.º mês consecutivo
Housing Credit Acquisition

Mortgage credit: Interest rate decreases for the 7th consecutive month.

Implicit interest rate on mortgage loans decreased for the 7th consecutive month in August, to 4.417%. Read the numbers below.

27 Sep 20242 min

Crédito habitação: Taxa de juro desceu pelo 8.º mês consecutivo
Housing Credit Acquisition

Mortgage credit: Interest rate dropped for the 8th consecutive month.

In September, the implicit interest rate on housing loans fell for the 8th consecutive time, reaching 4.362%. Although still higher than the same period last year, according to the National Institute of Statistics (INE).

07 Nov 20241 min

Taxa de juro na habitação desce para 4,277% pelo 9.º mês em outubro
Housing Credit Acquisition

Interest rate on housing loans drops to 4.277% for the 9th month in October.

The implicit interest rate on housing credit continued to fall in October, marking the 9th consecutive month of decline, reaching 4.277%.

02 Dec 20242 min

Taxa de juro na habitação desce pelo 10.º mês em novembro para 4,186%
Housing Credit Acquisition

Interest rate on housing loans drops for the 10th month in November to 4.186%.

The implicit interest rate on home loans fell by 9.1 basis points in November, settling at 4.186%, down from 4.524% in November 2023.

08 Jan 20252 min

Crédito habitação: Taxa de juro diminui novamente em dezembro
Housing Credit Acquisition

Home loan: Interest rate decreases again in December.

The mortgage interest rate dropped to 4.091% in December, showing a decrease from the previous month, but still above the value of the same period in 2023, according to INE data.

29 Jan 20252 min

Taxa de juro média dos novos créditos desce para 4,03% em janeiro
Mortgage Savings Credit

Average interest rate on new loans drops to 4.03% in January.

The average interest rate on new credit contracts decreased from December to January, reflecting the slowdown in leading interest rates. Understand what is at stake next.

20 Mar 20242 min

Habitação: Preços aumentaram 9,8% no terceiro trimestre de 2024
Housing Credit Acquisition

Housing: Prices rose 9.8% in the third quarter of 2024.

Housing prices increased by 9.8% in the third quarter of 2024, according to the INE, up 2.0 percentage points from the previous quarter.

06 Jan 20252 min

Habitação em Portugal: O que esperar de 2025?
Housing Credit Acquisition

Housing in Portugal: What to expect for 2025?

Despite some government initiatives and expectations of an increase in construction, experts warn that by 2025 housing accessibility in Portugal will continue to be a structural problem, marked by high prices and growing inequalities.

10 Jan 20253 min

Ano novo, casa nova: Será a altura certa para investir num crédito habitação?
Housing Credit Acquisition

New year, new home: Is it the right time to invest in a mortgage?

Evaluate the market, plan your finances, and compare banking proposals are essential steps to start the year with the right housing credit.

31 Jan 20252 min

Duas pessoas sentadas numa mesa de madeira, na mesa estão alguns papéis um computador portátil. A imagem visa representar a análise de uma proposta de crédito
Housing Credit Acquisition

FINE: Know how to analyze a credit proposal

When buying a house with a housing loan, you may come across some terms that may seem confusing at first. If you have already started the process and the bank has given you a document called FINE, know its purpose and how to analyze it.

11 Aug 20234 min

Pessoa a calcular a taxa de esforço
Housing Credit Acquisition

Effort rate: What is this concept and how is it calculated?

The effort rate is one of the concepts in mortgage credit. In short, the effort rate assesses whether you have the ability to meet the installments of a loan. But what does this concept mean and how is it calculated?

11 Aug 20239 min

Crédito habitação: O que difere a TAN da TAEG?
Housing Credit Acquisition

Mortgage loan: What is the difference between APR and APRC?

When buying a house through a bank loan, you may be faced with complex mortgage credit language. Such as the acronyms related to interest rates, APR and APR. So, what do they mean and what do they represent?

11 Aug 20234 min

Crédito habitação: Taxa de juro fixa, mista ou variável?
Housing Credit Acquisition

Mortgage credit: Fixed, mixed, or variable interest rate?

The interest rate you choose for your home loan has a direct impact on the amount you will pay for the monthly installment. You can choose between a fixed, variable, or mixed rate. But what does each concept mean, how does it work, and how does it impact the loan?

11 Aug 20237 min

Glossário do crédito habitação
Housing Credit Acquisition

Housing credit glossary

Are you going to apply for a mortgage to buy your home? Know that, throughout the process, you may come across expressions that can be confusing. We have prepared a glossary about mortgage credit to help you know everything.

11 Aug 202310 min

Pré-aprovação do crédito habitação: O que se segue?
Housing Credit Acquisition

Pre-approval of mortgage credit: What comes next?

The mortgage credit process goes through several stages, starting with sending documents to the bank. Next, the bank needs to evaluate if the credit holders have the conditions to proceed, and only then is the credit pre-approved. But what comes next?

11 Aug 20233 min

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