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Crédito consolidado para juntar dívidas: Quais as vantagens?
Personal Consolidated Credit

Consolidated credit to combine debts: What are the advantages?

Adding different debts into a single credit is possible, and besides simplifying the payment return, you end up paying less for all. Understand all the advantages of this financing.

16 Sep 20243 min

Posso contratar um crédito pessoal, tendo outras dívidas?
Personal Consolidated Credit

Can I take out a personal loan with other debts?

Want to apply for a personal loan but already have other loans? Find out if you can in this article.

19 Sep 20242 min

Crédito pessoal:  Que cuidados ter na contratação?
Personal Credit Works

Personal credit: What precautions to take when hiring?

Looking to hire a personal loan? Learn about the precautions to take and how to find the most advantageous proposal, right after.

12 Jul 20244 min

Qual o impacto do score de crédito e como melhorá-lo?
Personal Consolidated Credit

What is the impact of credit score and how to improve it?

Do you know what a credit score is and how it can affect your application for a new loan? We explain everything next.

03 Oct 20242 min

What does it mean to consolidate credits?
Personal Consolidated Credit

What does it mean to consolidate credits?

The sudden loss of income or the increase in interest rates can lead to situations of default in the payment of credit installments. An option capable of providing immediate savings is credit consolidation. How does it work?

11 Aug 20234 min

Can I take out a personal loan to pay off another loan?
Personal Credit Emergencies

Can I take out a personal loan to pay off another loan?

Depending on the type of credit to be settled, it is possible to hire a personal loan to do so. However, there are some factors to consider so that the personal loan is approved. We explain everything in this article.

11 Aug 20233 min

IUC: O que é, quando se paga e o que muda em 2024
Personal Car Loan

IUC: What it is, when it is paid, and what changes in 2024

Do you have a car? Find out why you have to pay the vehicle tax, how much it is, and what changes this year.

11 Mar 20244 min

Como escolher um crédito pessoal?
Personal Credit Works

How to choose a personal loan?

How to access the best proposal to hire the ideal personal credit? Find out next and learn how a credit intermediary can help you.

24 Jun 20243 min

Famílias cada vez com mais créditos. O que fazer?
Personal Consolidated Credit

Families increasing their debts. What to do?

According to DECO Proteste, some families have 20 loans, with credit cards being the main cause. But how to ease this credit burden? Get to know the options next.

24 Jan 20244 min

Vale a pena subscrever um seguro de proteção ao crédito?
Personal Car Loan

Is it worth subscribing to a credit protection insurance?

Are you afraid you won't be able to pay off a loan due to unexpected events like involuntary unemployment or an accident that causes disability? This is where a credit protection insurance comes in. However, this is an insurance that requires many requirements. Let's explain how this insurance works.

11 Aug 20234 min

Vai para a faculdade com o orçamento apertado? Conheça o crédito para estudantes
Personal loan training

Heading to college on a tight budget? Discover student loans

The school year is almost here and it's time to start organizing the budget. Taking a course can be expensive, that's why there are financial products to help you, such as personal loans for students. Is your next future project to study? Find out how this credit works.

22 Aug 20234 min

Quanto gasto com a compra de um carro?
Personal Car Loan

How much do I spend on buying a car?

Buying a car is an important feat in anyone's life, not only due to the responsibility it implies, but also because of the impact it will have on the wallet. From credit, to insurance and maintenance expenses, having a car is impactful on the budget, but how much?

14 Nov 20234 min

Ida para a Universidade: Como decorar casa partilhada sem gastar muito?
Personal loan training

Going to University: How to decorate a shared house without spending much?

Go to university in September, to a shared house, and want to make the space welcoming without spending a lot of money? Get to know some tips to feel at home, and not exceed your savings.

08 Sep 20234 min

Tem direito ao apoio para formação digital? Se não, contrate o crédito pessoal formação
Personal loan training

Are you entitled to support for digital training? If not, hire personal formation credit.

The IEFP has launched a 750 euros support for workers, but do you meet the requirements to apply? If not, we will introduce you to personal training credit.

28 Feb 20242 min

Saiba todos os documentos de identificação que pode ter no telemóvel
Personal Car Loan

Learn all identification documents you can have on your mobile phone.

Now it's possible to replace your identification documents with the digital version, in a government application that brings together documentation. But how does this innovation work?

27 Nov 20234 min