Crédito pessoal ou cartão de crédito: Qual escolher?

Personal credit or credit card: Which one to choose?

Notice how each option can be advantageous depending on what you are looking for.

18 Nov 20242 min

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What is the difference between personal credit and credit card and when to choose each one?  

Choosing between a personal loan and a credit card depends on financial needs and repayment terms in mind. Both options have benefits and disadvantages: know which one to choose.

Personal credit

Personal credit is a financing solution for higher expenses or specific projects, such as home renovation, travel, or payment for studies.  

It offers a fixed amount and established payment terms, usually with fixed interest rates, which facilitates financial planning.


  • High value: Ideal for larger expenses that require amounts above the limits of a credit card.  
  • Terms: Fixed terms, which facilitate budget control.  
  • Lower interest rates: Generally, the interest rates are lower than those of a credit card.  


  • Approval process: Requires credit analysis and may take longer than obtaining a credit card  
  • Payment commitment: Payment of installments is mandatory, regardless of the balance in the account.

Therefore, you should opt for personal credit if you want to finance large expenses and long-term projects, such as renovations or training, where the amount and term are essential.

Credit card

The credit card offers flexibility and convenience for day-to-day expenses or emergencies of lower value. It works as a revolving credit line, allowing the payment of a portion of the debt every month.


  • Flexibility: Ideal for smaller purchases and emergencies, such as repairs or unexpected expenses;  
  • Rewards and benefits: Offers points and discounts on various purchases.
  • Immediate access: Can be used at any time, without the need for prior approval.


  • High interest rates: Interest rates are generally higher than those of personal credit.
  • Risk of indebtedness: Continuous use without full payment can lead to indebtedness.

Thus, the credit card is the best option for regular purchases of lesser amounts or unexpected expenses that can be settled in the short term.

So, for larger and well-planned expenses, personal credit is more suitable. On the other hand, a credit card offers flexibility and speed for small purchases and unexpected situations.

Have you come to the conclusion that it is a personal loan that you want to contract? The credit intermediaries at Poupança no Minuto help you find the best offer on the market, at no cost! Simulate the financing with us and proceed today: Poupança no Minuto


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