Articles about:

Personal Credit
Posso contratar um crédito pessoal, tendo outras dívidas?
Personal Consolidated Credit

Can I take out a personal loan with other debts?

Want to apply for a personal loan but already have other loans? Find out if you can in this article.

19 Sep 20242 min

Crédito pessoal:  Que cuidados ter na contratação?
Personal Credit Works

Personal credit: What precautions to take when hiring?

Looking to hire a personal loan? Learn about the precautions to take and how to find the most advantageous proposal, right after.

12 Jul 20244 min

Como escolher um crédito pessoal?
Personal Credit Works

How to choose a personal loan?

How to access the best proposal to hire the ideal personal credit? Find out next and learn how a credit intermediary can help you.

24 Jun 20243 min

Crédito ao consumo cada vez mais contratado para fazer face a despesas
Personal Credit Emergencies

Consumer credit increasingly used to cover expenses

Data reveals that Portuguese people have been increasingly contracting consumer credits to cover their expenses, as well as for more frivolous costs.

09 Apr 20245 min

Como contratar um crédito automóvel?
Personal Car Loan

How to hire a car credit?

An auto loan is a personal financing with the specific purpose of purchasing a vehicle. But how does it work, what requirements are necessary and what should you decide before contracting? We will explain next.

26 Mar 20245 min

Taxas dos créditos aos consumidores aumentam: Como conseguir as melhores?
Personal Car Loan

Consumer credit rates rise: How to get the best ones?

In the second quarter, the maximum interest rates on consumer loans increased, according to the Bank of Portugal (BdP). Want to know how to get the best rates in the market for these loans? Read this article.

15 Mar 20242 min

Tem direito ao apoio para formação digital? Se não, contrate o crédito pessoal formação
Personal loan training

Are you entitled to support for digital training? If not, hire personal formation credit.

The IEFP has launched a 750 euros support for workers, but do you meet the requirements to apply? If not, we will introduce you to personal training credit.

28 Feb 20242 min

Arrendamento: Mais casas no mercado, mas a preços mais altos
Housing Credit Acquisition

Rental: More houses on the market, but at higher prices

"Despite the current increase in supply, prices remain high," according to Idealista. Find out what is at stake and how to get the best rental deal.

15 Feb 20242 min

Quais foram os preços médios das rendas em janeiro?

What were the average rental prices in January?

In some Portuguese municipalities, average rental prices increased in January, but it is worth noting that in two municipalities the rent went down. Find out which ones, next.

09 Feb 20242 min

Famílias cada vez com mais créditos. O que fazer?
Personal Consolidated Credit

Families increasing their debts. What to do?

According to DECO Proteste, some families have 20 loans, with credit cards being the main cause. But how to ease this credit burden? Get to know the options next.

24 Jan 20244 min

Taxas máximas nos créditos vão subir em 2024: Como encontrar as mais baixas?
Housing Credit Acquisition

Maximum loan rates will rise in 2024: How to find the lowest rates?

The maximum interest rates on loans will be higher in the first quarter of next year. So how can you access proposals with lower rates? Find out in this article.

21 Dec 20233 min

Incumprimento do crédito habitação: Saiba o que o PERSI pode fazer por si
Mortgage Savings Credit

Noncompliance with home loans: Find out what PERSI can do for you.

Are you in default with your home loan? The PERSI can help. Learn about the plan that banks must follow in this case, and find out how to save on your monthly installment.

08 Nov 20232 min

Quer poupar com créditos ou seguros? Conheça os serviços da Poupança no Minuto
Credit intermediation

Want to save on credits or insurance? Check out the services of Poupança no Minuto.

Looking to save on your credits or insurance? You're in the right place! Poupança no Minuto can help you through credit intermediation services and insurance mediation. Want to better understand how these services work and how we can help you? Let us explain in this article.

30 Oct 20233 min

Candidaturas a rendas acessíveis terminam no final de outubro

Applications for affordable rents end in late October.

The Rent to Sublet Program will have applications to access affordable rent houses open until the end of this month. Find out if you can apply and how to access other options.

24 Oct 20233 min

É arrendatário? Prepare-se para a subida da renda em 2024

Are you a tenant? Get ready for the rent increase in 2024

Do you live in a rented house? The maximum annual rent update ceiling of 2%, limited by the government in 2023, will no longer exist in 2024. The new solution is still being studied, but landlords already confess to terminating contracts if a new brake is imposed. Find out how much your rent can increase and what solutions to choose in case of a tight budget.

20 Oct 20235 min