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Home Loans for Non-Residents
Estrangeiros continuam a representar mais de 22% da procura de casa em Portugal
Home Loans for Non-Residents

Foreigners continue to represent over 22% of house demand in Portugal.

The search for housing by foreigners in Portugal has slowed down. Even though it still represents more than 22% of the demand, the end of the golden visas and the Non-Habitual Resident (NHR) regime has dictated this cooling off. However, did you know that a NHR 2.0 is now in effect? Learn more in this article.

04 Mar 20243 min

Dia Mundial da Poupança: Conheça 3 clientes que ajudámos a poupar em créditos e seguros
Mortgage Savings Credit

World Savings Day: Get to know 3 clients we helped save on loans and insurance.

Savings in a Minute's main purpose is to help customers save with their credits and insurance. Therefore, on World Savings Day, we show you 3 cases of customers we have assisted, who accessed the best proposals in their products, with our free services.

30 Oct 20235 min

Crédito habitação para não residentes: “O intermediário ajudou-me a negociar com os bancos”
Home Loans for Non-Residents

Home loan for non-residents: "The intermediary helped me negotiate with the banks"

When it comes to housing credit for non-residents in Portugal, the process can seem confusing to foreigners. That's why we spoke with Kristen (fictional name), who explained how her process unfolded and the importance of seeking help from a real estate agency and, especially, a credit intermediary.

08 Sep 20233 min

Housing credit for immigrants: What are the conditions?
Housing Credit Acquisition

Housing credit for immigrants: What are the conditions?

As a Portuguese expatriate living abroad, it is possible to buy a property in Portugal. However, the housing loan conditions may be slightly different, depending on certain factors. But which ones?

22 Aug 20234 min