Mortgage for foreigners and non-residents: A guide to buying a house in Portugal.
If you are a foreigner and/or not a resident in Portugal and are looking to buy a house, check here for all the information you need.
Mortgages for foreigners in Portugal have specific requirements, such as presenting documents proving residency, income, and financial situation. The demand for properties in the country by foreigners remains significant, representing over 22% of the market.
Immigrants and non-residents can also obtain home loans with conditions adapted to their situations through the support of credit intermediaries that assist in negotiating with banks, making the process more accessible and efficient for those living outside the country. Check out the articles on these topics.
Related articles:
- Mortgage for foreigners: What are the necessary documents? URL
- Foreigners continue to represent more than 22% of the demand for housing in Portugal.
- Housing credit for emigrants: What are the conditions? Visit https://www.poupancanominuto.com/artigos/credito-habitacao/credito-habitacao-para-emigrantes-quais-as-condicoes for more information.
- Mortgage for non-residents: "The intermediary helped me negotiate with the banks" - https://1drv.ms/w/s!Au4W507BhgGOgwgv6uOW73ZcjEev?e=sNPXsq
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