Articles about:

Savings tips
Se não sabe onde gasta dinheiro, estes são 10 potenciais culpados

If you don't know where you spend money, here are 10 potential culprits.

Have you ever wondered how money seems to disappear from your account without you realizing it?

03 Feb 20252 min

Escolher o lugar do voo sem pagar? Saiba aqui como

Choose your flight seat for free? Find out how here.

This tip involves "tricking" the system for a few minutes to secure your seat on a flight.

08 Jan 20252 min

Estes truques de limpeza vão ajudar a poupar dinheiro

These cleaning tricks will help save money.

Baking soda can be your greatest ally in household cleaning. Discover how to use it effectively and economically.

03 Jan 20252 min

Os saldos começaram! Dicas para fazer compras conscientes

The sales have started! Tips for conscious shopping.

Learn these tips so you don't get "lost" in shopping during this sales season.

02 Jan 20252 min

Países para escapadinha no início do ano? Não precisa de ir longe!

Countries for a quick getaway at the beginning of the year? You don't need to go far!

Pack your bags and explore these perfect European cities for a weekend.

30 Dec 20241 min

Nova loja no UBBO permite comprar encomendas perdidas ou esquecidas

New store at UBBO allows to buy lost or forgotten orders.

Imagine acquiring a mysterious package without knowing what's inside. Sounds fun? Well, this experience is now possible in Portugal.

20 Dec 20241 min

5 métodos para que possa poupar com os gastos de Natal

5 methods to help you save money on Christmas expenses.

These 5 techniques have already proven to be effective in terms of saving money.

17 Dec 20242 min

Este Natal vai ficar mais caro? 7 dicas para poupar na ceia

Will this Christmas be more expensive? 7 tips to save on dinner.

Despite the price increase, it is possible to plan an affordable and memorable Christmas dinner. Here are some strategies.

16 Dec 20242 min

Conheça esta dica simples para evitar o desperdício de comida em casa

Discover this simple tip to avoid food waste at home.

Pay attention to this easy trick to reduce food waste in your home.

25 Nov 20241 min

Quer fazer esticar o orçamento? Adote estes hábitos de poupança

Want to stretch your budget? Adopt these saving habits.

These strategies will help organize and stretch the budget in the upcoming months.

08 Nov 20242 min

Dia Mundial da Poupança: 5 formas criativas de poupar

World Savings Day: 5 creative ways to save money

On this World Savings Day, it is important to remember the importance of saving and financial management. Pay attention to these creative ways to start saving.

30 Oct 20242 min

Como decorar uma cozinha de forma económica?

How to decorate a kitchen economically?

Want to decorate your kitchen without spending a lot of money? Pay attention to the following tips.

25 Oct 20241 min

4 truques para poupar tempo e dinheiro a cozinhar

4 tricks to save time and money cooking

If you want to make cooking easier, pay attention to these 4 tricks that help you save both time and money.

16 Oct 20241 min

Poupar dinheiro? Pequenas ações que podem ajudar todos os dias

Save money? Small actions that can help every day.

If you want to save money every day, there are small gestures you can make to save some money.

14 Oct 20242 min

Precisa de poupar? Este desafio permite amealhar quase 6 mil euros por ano

Need to save? This challenge allows you to save almost 6 thousand euros per year.

Have you heard of the 1 euro savings challenge? At the end of a year, you can amass a significant amount! Find out how.

10 Oct 20241 min