Estes truques de limpeza vão ajudar a poupar dinheiro

These cleaning tricks will help save money.

Baking soda can be your greatest ally in household cleaning. Discover how to use it effectively and economically.

03 Jan 20252 min

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Get these baking soda cleaning hacks to save money.

Yes, it's true. There are numerous ways to keep the house clean and fragrant without spending a fortune on cleaning products. For example, content creator @sammy_lifestylemama, on TikTok, shared some tips, as mentioned by the Notícias ao Minuto, on how to use baking soda in various situations.

To start, suggest a mix of dish soap with baking soda to clean the oven. This simple and inexpensive method is effective in removing stubborn grease.

For the sink, it is recommended to prepare a paste with the same ingredients. This abrasive solution not only leaves everything shining but can also be used on various surfaces in the house. Just scrub with the paste, rinse with water, and enjoy the result.

Baking soda can also be used to whiten clothes. Add some to the washing machine drawer with the usual detergent. Additionally, placing a container with baking soda inside the refrigerator helps neutralize unwanted odors.

To clean the tile grout, mix baking soda with water and apply. This method works wonders. Another useful tip is to eliminate unpleasant odors from shoes: just sprinkle a little baking soda inside, leave it on for 24 hours, and remove.

These simple and affordable solutions are a practical way to save money while keeping your home spotless.

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