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Inflação desce para 2,5% em Portugal e na zona euro em janeiro

Inflation falls to 2.5% in Portugal and the Eurozone in January.

The year-on-year inflation rate in Portugal and the Euro area stood at 2.5% according to the National Institute of Statistics (INE) and Eurostat.

06 Feb 20253 min

Inflação sobe de 2,5% em novembro para 3,0% em dezembro

Inflation rises from 2.5% in November to 3.0% in December.

In December, inflation in Portugal rose significantly to 3.0%, according to the National Institute of Statistics (INE): Representing an increase of 0.5 percentage points compared to November.

10 Jan 20252 min

Inflação em novembro acelera para 2,5% em Portugal e 2,3% na zona euro

Inflation in November speeds up to 2.5% in Portugal and 2.3% in the eurozone.

Inflation registered an acceleration in November, reaching 2.5% in Portugal and 2.3% in the eurozone, according to the most recent data released by the National Institute of Statistics (INE) and Eurostat.

06 Dec 20243 min

Inflação sobe em Portugal e na zona euro no mês de outubro

Inflation rises in Portugal and in the eurozone in the month of October.

Inflation rate speeds up in Portugal to 2.3% and to 2% in the eurozone, in October.

04 Nov 20241 min

Taxa de inflação abranda na zona euro e acelera em Portugal

Inflation rate slows down in the Eurozone and speeds up in Portugal.

Inflation rate fell in the Eurozone, but rose in Portugal in September.

07 Oct 20242 min

Taxa de inflação recua (significativamente) em Portugal e na zona euro

Inflation rate decreases (significantly) in Portugal and in the eurozone

Good news keep coming and inflation is finally decreasing significantly. Find out how much it has dropped in Portugal and in the eurozone.

03 Sep 20242 min

Inflação? Voltou a subir na zona euro e em Portugal

Inflation? It has risen again in the euro area and Portugal

The inflation rate increased in the Eurozone and Portugal in July compared to June. Check the statistics.

06 Aug 20242 min

Taxa de inflação abranda em junho na zona Euro e em Portugal

Inflation rate slows down in June in the Eurozone and in Portugal.

The inflation rate values continue to slow down, but still above the ideal value established by the European Central Bank (ECB) for price stability. Read the numbers in question.

09 Jul 20243 min

Inflação em maio aumenta para 2,6% na zona Euro

Inflation in May increases to 2.6% in the Eurozone

The decline in inflation was interrupted this month in the Eurozone, as the indicator rose again. Read the statistics below.

19 Jun 20241 min

Mão de madeira a segurar notas de 50 euros para simbolizar inflação

Inflation in April eases to 2.2%

The good news continues! Inflation remains in a downward trend: Check out the numbers.

22 May 20242 min

Portugal como 2.º pior país da UE classificado em literacia financeira
Mortgage Savings Credit

Portugal ranked as the 2nd worst country in the EU in financial literacy.

According to a study released, after Romanians, the Portuguese are not very financially literate about topics such as interest rates and inflation. Get to know the numbers involved.

08 Mar 20243 min

Taxa de inflação em Portugal aumenta para 2,3% no mês de janeiro
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Inflation rate in Portugal increases to 2.3% in the month of January.

Check out the numbers released by the National Institute of Statistics regarding January, and how to alleviate the monthly budget in this context.

23 Feb 20243 min

Taxa de inflação na zona euro recua para 2,8% em janeiro
Mortgage Savings Credit

Inflation rate in the euro zone drops to 2.8% in January

The inflation rate in the eurozone continues to decrease, dropping from 2.9% in December 2023 to 2.8% in January 2024.

12 Feb 20242 min

Ministério das Finanças realça que “taxa de inflação está no valor mais baixo dos últimos dois anos”
Mortgage Savings Credit

Ministry of Finance highlights that "inflation rate is at the lowest value in the last two years."

In a social network, the Ministry of Finance highlighted that the inflation rate recorded in December was the lowest in recent years. Understand it better, next.

19 Jan 20243 min

Taxa de inflação na zona euro aumenta em dezembro
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Inflation rate in the euro area increases in December

After a downward cycle for seven months, the inflation rate in the Eurozone is now increasing again in December, according to Eurostat data. Understand what is at stake and how to ensure greater budget stability, in the face of the instability of the current economic situation.

12 Jan 20243 min