Articles about:

Buying a house for young people
Crédito habitação jovem com garantia pública tem prazo máximo de financiamento?
Housing Credit Acquisition

Is there a maximum financing term for youth home loans with public guarantee?

Home loans for young people up to 35 years old with public guarantee have a maximum term for financing with the same rules as conventional home loans.

14 Feb 20252 min

Garantia pública no crédito habitação depende diretamente do valor financiado
Housing Credit Acquisition

Public guarantee in mortgage credit depends directly on the financed amount.

Public guarantee offered by the State in home loans is directly related to the amount financed by the bank.

31 Jan 20252 min

Garantia pública na compra de casa não abrange casais com um só jovem até 35 anos
Housing Credit Acquisition

Public guarantee in home purchase does not apply to couples with only one person under 35 years old.

The public guarantee for home purchase aimed at young people will not be able to cover a couple of two young people, if one is over 35 years old.

13 Nov 20242 min

Tudo sobre as novas medidas de apoio à habitação para jovens
Housing Credit Acquisition

All about the new housing support measures for young people.

The government has in place some support measures for young people buying a house. Understand all the measures in question.

29 Oct 20242 min

Financiamento a 100% no crédito habitação para jovens já pode ser pedido
Housing Credit Acquisition

100% financing in housing credit available for young people can now be requested.

Young people can now apply to access 100% financing when buying a home with a mortgage, through the new public guarantee measure.

30 Sep 20242 min

Como poupar milhares de euros na compra da primeira casa?

How to save thousands of euros on buying your first home?

The new section "Tips for saving with Gonçalo Malheiro, Financial Educator and creator of digital content related to finance, now explains how to save on buying a home."

30 Sep 20241 min

Dúvidas sobre apoio do Governo a jovens na compra de casa? Assista a este webinar
Housing Credit Acquisition

Do you have questions about Government support for young people buying a house? Watch this webinar.

ComparaJá has partnered with two banks and a real estate consultant to discuss the new measures to support housing credit for young people, and clarify some of the doubts that have arisen.

18 Jul 20242 min

Compra de casa: Garantia pública tem de entrar em vigor, no máximo, até setembro
Housing Credit Acquisition

Buying a house: Public guarantee must come into force by September at the latest.

The measure that will allow young people to access 100% financing (public state guarantee) when buying a house has now been published in the Diário da República, so it must come into force in the next 60 days, that is, by September 10 at the latest. Understand more next.

11 Jul 20242 min

Casal jovem sentado em sofá com computador à frente e a sorrir simbolizando compra de casa por jovens com financiamento a 100% e isenções fiscais
Housing Credit Acquisition

100% home financing and tax exemptions for young people in force this month.

Are you young and want to buy a house? Starting this month, you won't need to give a down payment to the bank or pay taxes. Understand now.

17 May 20242 min