All about the new housing support measures for young people.
The government has in place some support measures for young people buying a house. Understand all the measures in question.
The Portuguese government has launched some measures that benefit young people in buying a house, ensuring 100% financing in housing credit and several tax exemptions. Young people up to 35 years old can now enjoy exemptions from the Municipal Property Transfer Tax (IMT) and Stamp Duty (IS), based on the value of the house, and a public guarantee that covers up to 15% of the acquisition value. The measures also include exemptions for registration costs, facilitating the buying process.
Get to know everything about these measures, which aim to support the entry of young Portuguese people into the housing market.
Related articles:
- Home loans financed at 100% and tax-free up to age 35: Understand the measures. Link
- Home financing at 100% and tax exemptions for young people in force this month. More information
- Are you young and looking for a house? The three measures of the Government for housing.
- Purchase of a house by young people: The government will guarantee up to 15% of the acquisition value.
- Young people with exemption from IMT and IS without limit on income, but rather on the value of the house. Link
- Public guarantee for young people to buy a house expires once 15% is paid.
- Exemption of IMT for young people: Until when can they benefit? (https://1drv.ms/w/s!Au4W507BhgGOim4AB0TBHVyzQals?e=xtQ8fp)
- Purchase of house for young people: Exemption extends to the cost of registration.
- The measures to support young people in housing are now in force. Clarify doubts. More info
- Exemption from IMT for young people? Know the tables already in force. (Source: website)
- 100% home loan financing for young people is now available. You can apply at this link.
- Public guarantee for home purchase does not cover couples with only one young person up to 35 years old.
- Public guarantee for 100% of credit compromises the effort rate criterion. Read more at here.
- High effort rates limit young people's access to public guarantees in home loans. (Source: Link)
- Public guarantee in housing credit depends directly on the financed amount.