Pre-credit approval for a mortgage: Everything you need to know in just one eBook.
Hiring a home loan can be a complex process, especially for first-time buyers. But Poupança no Minuto has gathered everything you need to know in one eBook!
How does the 1st phase of hiring a mortgage work? Find out everything in this eBook.
Want to learn everything about home loans, to be prepared before going through the entire hiring process? Our eBooks can help!
It is possible to download for free, and we start by introducing you to the first: Everything you need to know about pre-contracting this financing . & nbsp;
Therefore, if you want to buy your dream home but don't know where to start with a housing loan, you are in the right place. The whole process can be complicated, but we aim to help you save time and money, as well as avoid bureaucracy.
Our eBook shares all the information in a simple, transparent, and cost-free way. But let's start with the beginning, what is the Poupança no Minuto? [https://www.poupancanominuto.com/contacto?utm_source=poupanca-no-minuto&utm_medium=artigo&utm_campaign=607-poupanca-no-minuto-1]
We are the credit intermediary that chose a side: the one of people who want to save stress, annoyances, and frustrations when contracting a loan. That's why we go straight to the point!
So, what will you learn from our eBook? Through the simplified explanation of all concepts and phases of pre-hiring, you will have access to the following topics:
- How to set the initial value to give
- What is the effort rate?
- The maximum amount that the bank can finance
- Is 100% financing possible?
- Payment of taxes and process expenses.
- Does the down payment amount change depending on the property evaluation?
- Maximum financing terms.
- How many primary cardholders can the credit have?
- Documents to request a credit simulation.
- Pre-approval of credit, what now?
Because information is power and savings is knowledge, download our free eBook and save yourself! Download the eBook now!
If you wish, you can also simulate your new home loan, or contact a credit intermediary from Poupança no Minuto.
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