Do you know the concept of a multiplier leader? Learn how to be one.
If you are a team leader, learn about the concept of a multiplier leader and how to become one.
7 tips to be a multiplier team leader
According to Rita Maria Nunes, Country Manager of TAB Portugal, who is also the author of the book 'Stop, Think and Transform Your Business' and host of the podcast 'Conversas Informais Sobre Negócios', as can be read on Notícias ao Minuto, there are two types of leader: reducer or multiplier.
According to the author, reducing leaders are those who restrict and manage people too muchthose who they lead, intentionally or not. In contrast, multipliers are "green lanes" for amplifying the talent and intelligence of their workers.
Multiplier leadership ensures the potentiation and motivation of teams. Therefore, to achieve this type of leadership, the author advises following these 7 tips:
1. Be an active listener: "Be receptive and have individual conversations with members of your team and value the new ideas and perspectives they present to you".
2. Offer growth opportunities: "Empower your team to the fullest with leadership development programs and encourage participation in skills development workshops".
3. Delegate and empower: "Genuinely trust your employees with the opportunity to take on greater responsibilities and grow in their roles".
4. Give more feedback: "Reserve and dedicate quality time to share your vision with team members about what worked, what didn't work, and how to achieve or exceed challenges and goals in the next opportunity".
5. Celebrate your successes: "Create the habit of marking achievements, applauding efforts, and rewarding individual and collective victories. No matter how small they may be".
6. Promote a culture of collaboration: "Instill, with practical actions, the sense of unity and create regular opportunities for projects between different departments and sharing of knowledge among everyone".
7. Lead by example: "It is never too much to remember that everything starts within and by yourself, so it is important to set the right tone. Be a model for team integrity, work ethic, respect, compassion, and innovative mindset".
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