Crises no trabalho? A estes signos, tudo corre na perfeição

Work crises? For these signs, everything runs perfectly.

In professional terms, these people have no reason to complain. Everything is going wonderfully.

06 Feb 20251 min

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Three signs that are in a positive phase at work

Love, health, and work: these are always the three areas that most worry. But when it comes to work, there are signs that have no reason to complain. Everything is going perfectly for them.

According to the list on the Terra website, cited on Notícias ao Minuto, the professional life of these three signs is in a very positive phase. Are you part of the list?

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)  

"They know your work capacity and it is something that will be expanded throughout the year."

Leo (July 22 - August 22)

- "Your work abilities will grow over the next few months."

Gemini (May 21 to June 21)

They perform their tasks easily and it is something they will maintain in the future.

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