Study points to increase in defaults and less money.
Inflation continues to show no significant decrease and the prices of products and services have remained a problem for the wallets of Portuguese people. According to a study, due to this situation, the increase in payment defaults has become increasingly evident. Find out what is at stake.
Need a boost in your income so you don't default on any more obligations? Talk to credit intermediaries and insurance brokers from Poupança no Minuto to renegotiate the terms of your current contracts, or transfer them! But learn about the shared data first.
More non-compliance and little money: Portuguese feel less guilty in not paying.
A study from the European Consumer Payment Report, by Intrum, shared by Notícias ao Minuto, indicates that defaults have been increasing and that the money in the wallets of the Portuguese is decreasing.
The study points to "a growing acceptance of ignoring bill payments." This is because there are increasingly more people with less money, so non-payment of bills is increasing.
While there may be many reasons behind a late payment - from the consumer not having money, to simply having forgotten to pay - Intrum's data suggests a shift in social norms. Currently, there is a growing acceptance of ignoring bill payments and at the same time, consumers claim to be attentive to companies trying to exploit their difficulties through tactics such as agreedflaction - increasing prices more than justified by their costs or maintaining high prices even when their production costs decrease, as noted in the news released about the data.
Therefore, with late payments or non-payments becoming endemic, consumer attitudes seem to be changing.
This data has caused great concern for companies because "consumers are reevaluating what they consider acceptable when it comes to ignoring invoices".
According to the data, the study also indicates that three out of ten respondents (29%) now feel less guilty than a few years ago for ignoring a bill payment.
In order to avoid defaulting on your payments, you can use options to help you lower the monthly installments you have to pay. In case you have loans and/or insurance, it is possible to negotiate your contracts to have access to better conditions, or even transfer them to new entities and pay (significantly) less for the products! Talk to Poupança no Minuto so we can start your process as soon as possible.