Financial literacy will be piloted as a subject in seven schools.
In order to fill a gap in Portuguese society, a project was launched to be implemented in the next school year: financial literacy as a subject, in seven schools in Portugal.
New financial literacy discipline will be implemented in seven schools.
Financial literacy is the new discipline to be taught in seven schools in the country, through a pilot project that will be launched in the upcoming school year.
According to Expresso, the information was disclosed by the Secretary of State for Education, Alexandre Homem Cristo, after the Minister of Education, Science, and Innovation himself indicated the need to improve students' financial literacy, because "being at the OECD average is not enough".
"Financial literacy is already mandatory through citizenship education. It will exist as a discipline in a pilot project that will be launched in the next school year", can be read in the news, which quotes the Secretary of State."
According to Alexandre Homem Cristo in the parliamentary hearing at the Assembly of the Republic, the pilot project in question focusing on Pedagogical Innovation will be presented soon, targeting high school students.
"We will be able, through this pilot project, to understand the impact and the reaction that students have towards the subject. What works will be scaled up", you can also read the explanation from Alexandre Homem Cristo, who also highlights that this topic was already addressed in the Citizenship and Development subject."
In addition, and according to the results recently released by PISA 2022, the Secretary of State emphasized that students need to improve their performance in financial literacy. This is because, in the mentioned assessment, "Portuguese students scored 494 points, on a scale from zero to 1,000, in line with the average of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), but slightly worsened compared to the previous assessment in 2018. The results place Portugal in 9th place on a list of 20 countries," the news reads.
With the release of the results at the end of last June, the Minister of Education also notes that a process of reviewing learning is underway, so that financial literacy is strengthened, since, in terms of knowledge, students demonstrate that there is still "a huge room for improvement".
"The OECD study revealed that young Portuguese people have less contact with financial products and activities - only 38% had a bank account (the OECD average is 63%) and only 27% had a debit or credit card (compared to 62% of the OECD) - but stand out when it comes to comparing prices," details the Expresso news.
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