Looking to shop online sustainably? Read these tips.
Today is Earth Day celebrated and, to mark this day, Inpost revealed five tips for online shopping customers to make the process more sustainable. Read more next.
Adopt these five tips if you want to make more sustainable online purchases.
As part of Earth Day, celebrated today, April 22, InPost shared five tips for customers to adopt in their online purchases in order to be more sustainable.
To make customers' lives easier, online shopping should be as sustainable as possible, and it is important to adopt certain behaviors to ensure this.
So, pay attention to these five tips from InPost, shared in the Notícias ao Minuto news:
Group the orders
"The grouping of orders in online purchases has multiple advantages for the environment and is more efficient for our economy and transportation. By grouping several orders in a single shipment, we can promote a reduction in carbon emissions, as we will be taking advantage of a single delivery van trip to receive multiple purchases at the same time. In this way, we save fuel and reduce road traffic by maximizing the loading capacity of transport and delivery vehicles, which also reduces the production of waste associated with packaging."
Choose the non-domiciliary delivery option
"More and more people are choosing to receive their online purchases outside of their home, which is known as non-domiciliary delivery. A survey by the market research company Telling Insights reveals that 53% of people living in cities with more than 50,000 inhabitants already choose the option of non-domiciliary delivery when shopping online. (...) The reason is simple: when we choose to send to a non-domiciliary address, we can select in which Ponto Pack or Locker we want to pick up our online purchases. And 7 in 10 users choose one near their home or work, allowing 77% of users to walk to the collection point."
Return items at collection points
No matter how much we think about what we are going to buy, sometimes we have to return or exchange a product. Therefore, just like choosing the non-domiciliary delivery option will reduce our carbon footprint when shopping online, returning the product through the same process will also contribute to a more sustainable consumption.
Reuse and recycle
This advice can be understood in two ways. On the one hand, it invites us to extend the lifespan of our belongings to avoid throwing them away suddenly, as well as to recover useful items that can have a second life. The second-hand market, popularized by many platforms, is a good option for buying in a different way.
Choose sustainable shops
"Finally, InPost recommends purchasing from sustainable stores in all aspects - from design to production and distribution of their products. Nowadays, it is very easy to consult the sustainability policy of companies on their own official website and, furthermore, complement the data with information from external auditors."
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