Quais os subsídios e apoios com que os contribuintes podem contar em Portugal?

What subsidies and support can taxpayers depend on in Portugal?

These are some of the subsidies and supports that the Portuguese can rely on.

29 Oct 20242 min

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Subsidies and social support play a crucial role in citizens' lives, providing a safety net in times of need. They help mitigate the effects of poverty, support families in vulnerable situations, and encourage access to education and health.

Through programs such as unemployment benefit, parental subsidies, and housing support, the State aims to promote social inclusion and economic stability, contributing to the general well-being of society. These supports are vital to ensure dignified and equal living conditions.

Discover the various subsidies and supports available in Portugal, in the following articles.

Related articles:

  1. What to do if Social Security asks for the return of a subsidy? Link
  2. Are you entitled to unemployment benefit? Know the conditions.
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  7. Initial parental subsidy: Access will become simpler.
  8. Students in higher education will have the right to free consultations in nutrition and psychology.
  9. Child studying away from home? They may be entitled to tax benefits.
  10. Social Insertion Income: What it is and who can access it.
  11. Extraordinary pension supplement: What are the values? Link
  12. At 55 years old, you can already apply for pre-retirement. Find out how at
  13. Learn how to apply for the 'Digital Training + Check' at
  14. Christmas Bonus: When and how much will I receive?
  15. How to access support for Informal Caregivers in Portugal? -
  16. Retirement age will increase to 66 years and 9 months in 2026.
  17. Pension of 870 euros will have a net increase of 643 euros in 2025. Visit
  18. "If you were on sick leave and did not receive the Christmas subsidy, you must wait until January."
  19. The Elderly Supplement increases by 30€ and will be paid in February 2025.


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