How much will the ticket prices increase in 2025?
What changes in the prices of transport tickets in 2025? Occasional tickets increase, but passes maintain their prices.
What will be the prices of transport tickets in 2025?
The Carris/Metro ticket, currently priced at 1.80 euros, will increase to 1.85 euros next year, representing a 5 cent increase.
The Lisbon Metro announced that there will be no changes in the prices of monthly and 30-day passes in 2025. The information was confirmed and sent in a statement released to "Notícias ao Minuto" (https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/economia/2694165/metro-de-lisboa-sem-alteracoes-de-precos-nos-passes-e-os-outros-titulos).
"The prices of monthly Navigators passes and 30-day passes will remain unchanged in 2025 for users of the Lisbon Metro," reads the news on Notícias ao Minuto citing the statement.
Regarding "occasional tickets", prices will be updated starting from January 1, 2025. For example, the Carris/Metro ticket will increase from 1.80 euros to 1.85 euros.
Updated rates for 2025 values:
- Ticket Carris/Metro: 1.85€
- Channel surfing: 1.66€
- Bank card: 1.85€
- Long live Go: 1,85€
Daily tickets (24 hours):
- Carris/Metro: 7,00€
- Carris/Metro/Transtejo (Cacilhas): 10,00€ (Carris/Metro/Transtejo (Cacilhas): €10.00)
- Carris/Metro/CP: 11,00€
The Lisbon Metro also highlighted that "these changes are made in accordance with Order No. 298/2018, of November 19, and Regulation No. 430/2019, of May 16, which establish the general rules for updating transport ticket fares, as well as with the communication received from TML, which defines the Tariff Update Rate for 2025, according to AMT's guidelines".
Check out the full details of the 2025 pricing plan through this link.
Learn more about the changes impacting your income in 2025, follow Poupança no Minuto.