Quatro ações que deve evitar durante uma entrevista de emprego

Four actions to avoid during a job interview

A human resources specialist revealed the actions that should not be done during a job interview, if you really want to get the job. Find out what they are.

02 Aug 20242 min

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This is what you should not do in a job interview if you want to get the position.

If you have a job interview, there are certain actions you should avoid in order to make a good impression and secure the position.

According to a human resources expert - Emily Levine, vice president of the company 'Career Group Companies' in California, USA, to Business Insider, and cited by Notícias ao Minuto, there are "red lines" during a job interview that should not be crossed, to not ruin the hopes of getting the position.

The specialist explains that the worst things that can be done during a job interview involve the following simple gestures:  

  • Share information about yourself and your expectations excessively;  
  • Talking about the possibility of advancing in your career "can be a big mistake, because it conveys the idea that you are more interested in the next steps in your career than focusing on what is being offered to you at the moment";  
  • Going to a job interview without having researched anything about the company or the person who is interviewing you. This lack of action "demonstrates disinterest, so before attending an interview, do your homework and find out about the place where you will be."
  • In case the interview is done by video call, be careful with the location where you choose to conduct the interview. "In this case, it is advisable not to show yourself too relaxed or to perform other tasks while on the video call".

The specialist also recalls that the way we present ourselves during a job interview is essential, as "companies are being much more careful" lately.  

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