Do you have a vehicle? This is all you need to know about the Vehicle Tax.
If you have to pay IUC for your vehicle, read here everything you need to understand about this tax.
The Unique Circulation Tax (IUC) is a tax that falls on vehicle owners in Portugal, being mandatory for those who own a car, motorcycle, or other registered vehicles. In 2024, some changes occurred, such as adjustments in the value and payment modalities, which mainly affect older vehicles and those with lower energy efficiency. Knowing what the IUC is, when it must be paid, and how payment options such as direct debit work can help owners manage this burden efficiently and avoid fines.
Related articles:
- IUC: What it is, when it is paid, and what changes in 2024. https://www.poupancanominuto.com/artigos/credito-pessoal/iuc-o-que-e-quando-se-paga-e-o-que-muda-em-2024
- Have a car? Here are three important points about the IUC.
- Need to pay the IUC for your vehicle? Understand how here.
- How to pay the IUC by direct debit? Available at: link