Hábitos de trabalho saudáveis? Confira estas dicas

Healthy work habits? Check out these tips.

Learn three tips for creating and maintaining healthy work habits.

26 Sep 20242 min

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3 tips to create and maintain a healthy work routine.

Summer is coming to an end and with it come the new beginnings of September. Therefore, the GoodHabitz portal shared with Notícias ao Minuto tips to "turn personal September ambitions into lasting habits".

This is because "achieving long-term goals can be difficult". "With advances in psychology and neuroscience, it is possible to understand the difficulty of maintaining good habits and to perceive the way challenges are overcome," as read on Notícias ao Minuto, quoting the company specialized in corporate e-learning.

These are the three tips released by GoodHabitz:  

  • Debunking clichés: "There is no universal moment to form a new habit, it can take from 18 to 254 days and varies greatly from person to person. However, in order to fulfill objectives more clearly and effectively, it is necessary to make a concrete and specific choice of the desired resolutions, considering that in terms of progress, it is better to take smaller and imperfect steps than to remain stagnant".
  • Following the habit cycle: "The four laws of change can be a guide to start creating new habits. The first law is about making the habit clear and noticeable. The second law is based on making the habit as attractive as possible. The third law is to make the habit easier, in this case, starting to take small steps. The last law is to make the habit rewarding". 
  • Stimulate willpower: "Ensuring that there are no temptations around and having the ability to concentrate on a new habit is essential. Procrastination is a great enemy that can end some efforts already made and prevents progress from happening as desired. In order to prevent this from happening, it is essential to keep personal motivation alive and not break the routine, which will help in combating boredom".  

GoodHabitz's Marketing manager, Raquel Gaspar, emphasizes that "September is indeed a perfect month to embrace new goals, however, it is necessary to have a lot of persistence in order to transform good intentions into lasting habits," it also reads.  

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