Why isn't the landlord's rental receipt in the e-Fatura system?
Pay rent and can't find the receipt on e-Fatura? The Tax Authority (AT) explains why.
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When will the electronic income receipt appear in my e-Invoice?
Clarification is provided by the Tax Authority, at a time when pending invoices need to be validated on the e-Invoice portal.
You have until February 26 to do so, but if you pay rent and have found that the electronic receipt issued by the landlord is not on your e-Invoice, understand why by visiting the website.
Finance explains that information regarding rent receipts is disclosed by March 15th.
"The information desired will be made available on the Finance Portal > e-Invoice, by the Tax Authority until March 15 of the year following the issuance of the documents," explains the Tax Authority in response to frequently asked questions on the e-Invoice.
For those who can't find the information from electronic rent receipts in the "Provisional Deductions in IRS" or "Deductible Expenses in IRS" tiles.
The information should appear on the tiles "Habitation" and "Real Estate", but at this time, the information "Electronic rent receipts not yet included" should be present.
Have you validated the remaining pending invoices? If not, find out, through this guide, which steps to follow to complete this phase.
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