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I have a debt to the Tax Authority, what now?

If you have a debt to the Tax Office, the recommendation is to pay it as soon as possible, as the consequences can be alarming. Find out more later.

06 May 20243 min

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"The Tax Authority can become that enemy you don't want to have, that charges the failure until seizure"

If you have a tax commitment with Finance, you should not fail to pay taxes.  

The recommendation comes from DECO PROteste, shared by Notícias ao Minuto, and explains that you should pay your debts immediately or at least negotiate installments.

Possible consequences may include seizures and the end of tax benefits.  

"The economic crisis has been established in recent years, worsening with interest rate fluctuations and the housing sector crisis. Money is not enough for everything, and getting into debt is an increasingly common reality. However, it is important to know which debts have priority for settlement. When it comes to tax commitments, the rule is: if you can, always pay. The Tax Authority can become the enemy you don't want to have, which charges the failure until the seizure," as warned by DECO in the news.

This is because, by not paying the debts through the available options, the tax collection process ends up advancing, through the receipt of a letter, "a seizure of assets alert (bank accounts, real estate, cars or jewelry, for example)", so it is "therefore advisable that the fiscal residence is always up to date", points out DECO.

So, by not paying the debt, and even without receiving notice, the assets are seized and later sold by the Tax Office itself, with "own and permanent housing can also be seized", although the Tax Office cannot sell them, it reads in the news about the organization's advice.  

But what if the taxpayer does not have any assets that can be seized? In this case, the process is suspended after three months, but waiting for the Tax Office to detect new assets, since the debt is not forgiven.  

However, "besides the seizure, taxpayers also stop enjoying any tax benefits (such as retirement savings plan or expenses with VAT benefit)", the warning continues.

If the collection of the debt in question has any illegality, you can make a gracious complaint, a free and simple process. But it will only have a suspensive effect if a guarantee is provided or waived. The organization thus recommends that, "as a last resort, trigger arbitration or court."  

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