Related to: "How does the housing credit transfer work?"

Is the housing credit transfer free?
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Is the housing credit transfer free?

With the rise in interest rates, the difficulty in paying the monthly installments of the home loan is greater. Therefore, it is important to look for savings solutions in credit, such as transferring it. Find out how this process works, and if it has costs.

11 Aug 20234 min

Orçamento apertado no regresso às aulas? Saiba como gastar menos
Mortgage Savings Credit

Tight budget on back to school? Find out how to spend less

The return to school is approaching and this is a financially turbulent time for parents. But there are some strategies that can help you spend less money and not tighten your budget. Let's see which ones?

10 Aug 20235 min

Como poupar com encargos, para suportar o custo do regresso às aulas?
Mortgage Credit Transfer

How to save on charges to support the cost of back-to-school?

The return to school can be a painful time for parents who have to buy school supplies for their children, make or renew school registrations. This is why it is important to be prepared for what this context holds. So, how to save on short-term expenses?

09 Aug 20235 min

Precisa de um distrate de hipoteca? Saiba o que é e como obter
Housing Credit Acquisition

Need a mortgage discharge? Learn what it is and how to get it.

Are you selling your property and have been asked to request the mortgage discharge from the bank? This document is essential for the deed, to release the bank from the debt associated with your property. Let's better understand what this document is and how you can obtain it.

23 Oct 20235 min

Banco pode impedir transferência de crédito? Saiba como evitar esta situação
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Can the bank prevent a credit transfer? Learn how to avoid this situation.

You are going through a home loan transfer process, and the signing day was canceled? It may have been because your bank did not send the credit information to the receiving bank. Find out how to avoid this situation next.

29 Sep 20234 min

Reduzir prestação do crédito habitação: Transferência ou nova medida do Governo?
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Reducing home loan installment: Transfer or new measure from the Government?

Faced with the new government measure to help Portuguese pay less for their home loan, it is important to analyze if it is worthwhile compared to other options available in the market. So, before activating this measure, let's see: Can you save more with a housing loan transfer?

09 Oct 20236 min

Crédito habitação: Renegociação de condições com taxa de esforço superior a 36% compensa?
Mortgage Credit Renegotiation

Mortgage credit: Is renegotiating conditions with a debt-to-income ratio above 36% worth it?

In order to help the Portuguese reduce their home loan payments, the Government has implemented measures to support housing, such as the obligation for banks to renegotiate loan conditions with a debt-to-income ratio above 36%. However, considering the various options in the market, is opting for this measure worth it? Let's find out in the article.

12 Oct 20235 min

Novas medidas crédito habitação: É possível renegociar condições e estabilizar a prestação?
Mortgage Credit Renegotiation

New housing credit measures: Is it possible to renegotiate terms and stabilize the installment?

During the Government's search for solutions to help the Portuguese reduce their housing credit payments, some exceptional measures are already in place. One such case is the renegotiation of contracts with an effort rate exceeding 36% and the stabilization of the installment for two years (having to repay the differential amount later). But which one will compensate more? Can they be applied simultaneously?

16 Oct 20235 min

OE2024: O que se prevê na habitação e como se preparar
Housing Credit Acquisition

OE2024: What is expected in housing and how to prepare for it.

The measures for housing in 2024 have been strengthened and detailed in the new State Budget. We explain in this article what changes for the next year and how to prepare at the level of housing credit.

17 Oct 20237 min

Crédito habitação: Quanto posso poupar com as novas medidas e com transferência?
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Mortgage credit: How much can I save with the new measures and with transfer?

The measures announced by the Government to help the Portuguese with their home loans allow to slightly alleviate the amount they pay for the mortgage. But how much? And comparing with a home loan transfer, which option saves more? We explain, through concrete examples, the savings that can be generated by the various options.

17 Oct 20235 min

OE2024. Quanto posso poupar no próximo ano com as mudanças?
Mortgage Credit Transfer

OE2024. How much can I save next year with the changes?

With the new measures outlined in the State Budget of 2024, which value the salaries of the Portuguese, how much can we save in total? According to the new changes that strengthen incomes, let's see the savings generated by each one, but also how much you can save if you have a mortgage and transfer it.

26 Oct 20235 min

Resgatar PPR para amortizar crédito habitação? Saiba como
Mortgage Savings Credit

Redeem PPR to pay off mortgage? Find out how at:

Do you have a Retirement Savings Plan (PPR) and want to withdraw funds early to pay off your mortgage? This is a process you can go through, but with certain conditions.

26 Oct 20235 min

Taxas de juro vão continuar a subir? Saiba o que fazer ao seu crédito habitação
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Interest rates will continue to rise? Find out what to do with your housing credit.

At the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank in Marrakech, Morocco, the chief economist predicted the continuation of high interest rates, which could "push the poorest countries into bankruptcy". But what to do in the face of the continuous rise in interest rates, if you have a home loan?

26 Oct 20234 min

Poupar no crédito habitação: Juros bonificados retroagem a janeiro
Mortgage Savings Credit

Saving on mortgage: Discounted interest rates date back to January.

So that the Portuguese can save on their housing loans, the Government has announced support measures for mortgage financing. One of them is the interest rate subsidy and it has now been announced that it will be retroactive to January. Let's see how this measure will work and what other options exist to save on your housing loan.

26 Oct 20234 min

Incumprimento do crédito habitação: Saiba o que o PERSI pode fazer por si
Mortgage Savings Credit

Noncompliance with home loans: Find out what PERSI can do for you.

Are you in default with your home loan? The PERSI can help. Learn about the plan that banks must follow in this case, and find out how to save on your monthly installment.

08 Nov 20232 min