How to save on charges to support the cost of back-to-school?
The return to school can be a painful time for parents who have to buy school supplies for their children, make or renew school registrations. This is why it is important to be prepared for what this context holds. So, how to save on short-term expenses?
Do you already know the various ways to save immediately on expenses? Do you want to move forward with help to have some relief in credit and/or insurance payments? Count on Poupança no Minuto, and save time too.
If you still need to know more ideas on how you can increase your budget in time for back to school, we leave some ideas in this article.
How to save on short-term charges?
There are several charges you can review to save money in the short term. Such as the energy contract. When was the last time you looked at your contract? There may be new packages that make more sense and better suit your family, and therefore may even be less costly.
Therefore, to start understanding what the current options are, you should study the market and analyze, according to your current needs, if there is any less expensive than the one contracted. Check if it is cheaper to have electricity and gas in separate contracts or in the same company, for example. Normally, companies offer discounts if you contract several services with them.
To do so, use online simulators, such as those available at Poupa Energia, in order to understand the current rates, comparing what each package offers to choose one that best meets your needs.
In addition, you can also review your telecommunications contract with the same logic: you may have contracted services that you are not using. For example, in your mobile plan, how many GB of internet do you have contracted? Can you reduce the plan to fewer GB, paying a lower installment? The same applies to television channels, you can decrease from 180 to 150, reducing the package.
Another factor to which you should pay attention is the services you subscribe to. Many times, we easily subscribe to these services online and think "It's a low cost, it won't have an impact", but then we realize, the sum of various subscriptions takes a toll. Whether it's music services, streaming, applications, among many other possibilities available today. Therefore, if you haven't already, make a list of all the services you are subscribed to and evaluate if you essentially need all of them.
If you want to keep some (for taste, since it is not necessary to cut off all sources of leisure), consider options like sharing these services with other people, if possible. This way, you can split the installment and the cost is lower for each.
Assess your needs and make sure you are not living beyond your current means without realizing it. Therefore, it is essential to review contracts and services from time to time, especially when looking for a way to save immediately.
Can I save with credit installments and/or insurance immediately?
Just like the strategy above, to save on loan installments and/or insurance, the first step is always to review your contracts.
Do all the conditions you signed up for still make sense? Contact the banks and/or insurers and start by discussing what can be renegotiated in your contract, so you end up with a lower installment.
On the other hand, in exchange for having a lower installment, entities may suggest that you contract other products, but it is a decision that you must evaluate if it makes sense. Do the math, and analyze if the proposed conditions are appropriate for your family's needs.
But if you realize that this is not a solution: do not lose hope. You can always make a credit or insurance transfer to a new institution. This is usually one of the most cost-effective solutions in terms of savings. You may get differentiated conditions at a lower cost than what you were paying.
And you have another option. If you have multiple personal loans contracted, it is possible to consolidate them into a single consolidated loan. And why is this a savings solution?
Because by combining, for example, a personal loan, an auto loan, and credit cards, the interest rates of credit consolidation are lower in the short term. However, in this credit, the repayment period is extended, so you end up paying more interest on long-term financing.
In other words, a consolidated credit is a good option to save immediately, also reducing the risk of default due to the ease of paying all credits through a single installment.
If you want to move forward with one of these services, Poupança no Minuto is available to facilitate any of the products. Know that the service is free, fast and personalized! So you can have some breathing room in your monthly budget as soon as possible, in time to buy everything your child needs for a calm return to school.