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Financiamento a 100% no crédito habitação para jovens: Como funciona?
Housing Credit Acquisition

100% financing in housing credit available for young people can now be requested.

Young people can now apply to access 100% financing when buying a home with a mortgage, through the new public guarantee measure.

30 Sep 20242 min

Já ouviu falar no protocolo APB? Saiba o que é
Housing Credit Acquisition

Have you heard about the APB protocol? Find out what it is.

The APB protocol is an agreement among Portuguese banks that facilitates the cancellation of mortgages. Are you in the process of transferring credit and have you heard about this agreement? Understand better how it works.

02 Jan 20243 min

Precisa de um distrate de hipoteca? Saiba o que é e como obter
Housing Credit Acquisition

Need a mortgage discharge? Learn what it is and how to get it.

Are you selling your property and have been asked to request the mortgage discharge from the bank? This document is essential for the deed, to release the bank from the debt associated with your property. Let's better understand what this document is and how you can obtain it.

23 Oct 20235 min

Crédito habitação financiado a 100% e sem impostos até aos 35 anos: Perceba as medidas
Housing Credit Acquisition

100% financed home loan with no taxes until age 35: Understand the measures.

What does the new Government promise for young people's housing credit? 100% financing and tax exemption are the measures in question.

16 Apr 20243 min

Casal jovem sentado em sofá com computador à frente e a sorrir simbolizando compra de casa por jovens com financiamento a 100% e isenções fiscais
Housing Credit Acquisition

100% home financing and tax exemptions for young people in force this month.

Are you young and want to buy a house? Starting this month, you won't need to give a down payment to the bank or pay taxes. Understand now.

17 May 20242 min

Qual a diferença entre habitação própria permanente e secundária no crédito?
Housing Credit Acquisition

What is the difference between primary and secondary housing in credit?

When you apply for a home loan, the conditions offered by the bank will vary depending on the purpose you give to the property: primary residence or secondary. Understand the difference between the two and the financing conditions for each.

08 Apr 20243 min

Isenção de impostos na compra de casa para jovens produz efeitos a 1 de agosto
Housing Credit Acquisition

Tax exemption on home purchase for young people goes into effect on August 1.

The decree-law on the measure regarding tax exemption on home purchases for young people between 18 and 35 years old has already been published and is set to take effect on August 1st. Let's recall the conditions of the measure.

29 Jul 20242 min

Terminou união de facto? Saiba o que deve tratar e como dividir bem imóvel
Housing Credit Acquisition

End of common-law union? Find out what you should handle and how to divide property well.

Common-law marriage is a status granted to a couple who share a life together but are not married. However, is it necessary to follow a procedure to recognize this status? And in this sense, how to separate the union and divide assets, such as a house? This is what we explain in the article.

20 Nov 20234 min

Compra de casa: Garantia pública tem de entrar em vigor, no máximo, até setembro
Housing Credit Acquisition

Buying a house: Public guarantee must come into force by September at the latest.

The measure that will allow young people to access 100% financing (public state guarantee) when buying a house has now been published in the Diário da República, so it must come into force in the next 60 days, that is, by September 10 at the latest. Understand more next.

11 Jul 20242 min

Isenção de IMT e IS em vigor a 1 de agosto: Jovens a adiar escrituras das casas para beneficiar
Housing Credit Acquisition

IMT and IS exemption in effect as from August 1st: Young people postponing house deeds to benefit.

The measure will come into effect on the first day of next month, so young people up to 35 years old in the process of buying a house are postponing the signing of deeds in order to still be able to access the tax benefit. Understand if it is possible legally and how to access the measure.

15 Jul 20244 min

Quais as profissões mais bem pagas em Portugal em 2024?
Mortgage Savings Credit

What are the highest paying professions in Portugal in 2024?

According to data released by ManpowerGroup, find out which are the most sought-after and best-paid professions in Portugal, currently.

23 Jan 20249 min

Crédito da casa com Euribor: Prestações descem em julho
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Credit for housing with Euribor: Installments decrease in July.

Do you have a mortgage linked to Euribor, with three, six or 12 months? Your monthly installment will decrease in July. Check the simulations below.

08 Jul 20243 min

Compra de casa para jovens: Isenção estende-se ao custo dos registos
Housing Credit Acquisition

Purchase of home for young people: Exemption also applies to registration costs.

The tax exemption on home purchases for young people will not be the only one: the exemption of the records associated with the process will also be added. Learn more below.

30 Jul 20242 min

Crédito habitação: Comissão de amortização antecipada continuará suspensa em 2025
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Mortgage credit: Early repayment fee commission will continue to be suspended in 2025.

Repaying a home loan will remain exempt from early repayment fees in 2025 in contracts with a variable rate indexed to an Euribor rate, for any term.

30 Dec 20242 min

Taxa de juro na habitação desce pelo 10.º mês em novembro para 4,186%
Housing Credit Acquisition

Interest rate on housing loans drops for the 10th month in November to 4.186%.

The implicit interest rate on home loans fell by 9.1 basis points in November, settling at 4.186%, down from 4.524% in November 2023.

08 Jan 20252 min