Com quantos titulares posso contratar um crédito habitação?

With how many account holders can I hire a mortgage loan?

Can I apply for a housing loan with multiple co-owners? What if it's with a friend? These are relevant questions that arise when buying a house. Therefore, let's see how it works legally.  

07 Sep 20234 min

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Are you going to take out a mortgage now, but not sure where to start? Do you have questions and need help to clarify them? Hire the credit with the help of intermediaries. The service of Poupança no Minuto is free, fast and saves you from all communication with the banks and bureaucracy.

To better understand the issue of mortgage holders, we will explain in this article.

Being a homeowner: What does it involve?  

When taking out a home loan, you are titled as the loan holder. In other words, being the holder of this credit implies being responsible for repaying the debt of financing a property.    

As the holder, it is stated in the credit contract signed at the notary and registered in the Land Registry Office. And it remains as the mortgagee, in the eyes of the bank, becoming obligated to settle the value of the credit granted by the entity.

This amount includes, of course, interest and other charges associated with the financing. Therefore, it is up to the holder or multiple holders to pay, within the defined repayment period, the monthly installments of the credit (under conditions established in the contract signed at the deed).

You should also know that it is possible to be the holder of a mortgage without being the owner of the property. In most cases, the owner is the usual holder, but it may not be the case.

This means that you can become the holder of the debt and responsible for repaying the loan, without being the owner, without having rights over the mortgaged property.    

How many people can be holders of a home loan?    

According to the law, there is no limit to the number of holders on mortgage credit. The financing can be contracted by individuals or legal entities, together. But the requirements to be met to be a holder apply to everyone, so if you want to contract a mortgage with others, make sure everyone meets the necessary requirements.

The more people hire credit, of course, the more easily it will be granted. This is because the more income is considered for the effort rate, the lower it will be. And the lower the effort rate, the more likely the credit will be approved.

The ideal effort rate should not exceed 35% (income versus credit commitments), so if there are more holders, less risk of defaulting on payments. Whether equitable or not, there are more people responding to the total debt value.

This is because, regardless of your position in the loan's ownership (1st, 2nd, 3rd or another applicant), the responsibility for complying with the payment of installments is identical for the entire outstanding financing. Therefore, know that you can always be held responsible for full compliance, jointly with the other participants.

But the conditions offered by banks in a housing loan with multiple holders can be more favorable, probably not requiring a guarantor. Normally, the housing loan is contracted by two people as a couple, and it is possible to observe better conditions in this case than in the case of a single person contracting the same loan.

Can I apply for a housing loan with a friend?

Yes, mortgage credit is usually contracted with spouses or family members, but it can also be contracted with a friend.  

The credit conditions may differ. When contracting credit as a couple or with a family member, the housing is considered as own and permanent. But when contracting credit with a friend, it becomes considered as a second home.

Are you going to hire a new housing credit with another holder(s)? Save time and effort: contact the credit intermediation services of Poupança no Minuto and get rid of bureaucracy. In a minute, see your process move forward until you have the key to your new home in hand.


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