How to prepare the house for Halloween without spending a lot?
Want to celebrate Halloween, but on a tight budget? Don't worry: We give you some ideas so you can decorate your home (and food) to be scary.
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But let's see, in this article, how to celebrate Halloween without having to "open the purse strings". & nbsp;
To decorate the house, you can choose DIY pieces.
Decorating a house for Halloween is possible without spending much money. We can keep the kids happy with pieces easily made by hand. This is called DIY: Do It Yourself. A concept that involves creating creative objects from simple materials.
It is a foreign concept widely used when one does not want (nor can) spend money on, essentially, decorations or costumes, on certain occasions. In this case, Halloween.
So, how can we apply the DIY to decorate our house for this holiday?
There are endless ideas to choose from, or you can even create your own. The simplest option would be to buy a pack of balloons in the associated colors, orange, black, and white, and draw scary eyes and mouths with a black felt tip pen. You can also do the same on cups or candles.
The ideal way to keep your house with a scary energy is to spread various decorations in different corners. You can paint balloons, cups, candles, or anything else you can think of.
If you have time, you can even decorate the balloons in a more elaborate way, cutting pieces of cardstock, like the example below.
Sometimes, it can be as simple as spreading toilet paper on the outside of the house, hanging it from windows, for example. This to make it look like a haunted or abandoned house.
By combining balloons and toilet paper (preferably black), you can even draw a large spider. Or, in white, the body of a hanging skeleton.
And why not take some tape and "cast" objects to make them look like mummies? You can do it with bottles, for example.
The gloves can also be used, filled with some material, to give the impression that they are loose/cut hands. With light inside, it can be even more "spooky".
You can also use, for example, fruit peels oranges, such as orange or tangerine, to make small decorative pumpkins.
These are some ways to pick up simple objects without having to buy them just for Halloween, not spending a lot of money, but keeping the magic of the occasion.
Creativity can still be applied to food.
Are you throwing a party at your house and still need to decorate the food? It's not difficult to apply creativity to this part too!
The easiest way, to not be expensive and not buy something specific for the occasion (and more expensive), is to be creative in the way of presentation.
For example, with the same strategy used above, paint bags with eyes and mouths, use olives for the same effect, add labels, or use sausages disguised as fingers...
Everything depends on your originality! Celebrating a date like Halloween with your family or friends doesn't have to mean opening your wallet. Sometimes, it's just necessary to open our creative side.
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