Crédito da casa com Euribor: Prestações descem em julho

Credit for housing with Euribor: Installments decrease in July.

Do you have a mortgage linked to Euribor, with three, six or 12 months? Your monthly installment will decrease in July. Check the simulations below.

08 Jul 20243 min

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Monthly installment reduction? An even greater reduction, in an even shorter term, may be possible! Talk to a credit intermediary from Poupança no Minuto.

Home loan installments decrease in all terms in the month of July.

According to simulations from Deco / Dinheiro & amp; Direitos shared by Notícias ao Minuto, housing credit installments in July will decrease, with the largest decrease occurring in the Euribor at 12 months .

The simulations in question are based on a loan of 150,000 euros, with a term of 30 years and a spread of 1%. Indexed to the Euribor at 12 months, this contract will be paying a monthly installment of 773.46 euros in July. This represents a decrease of 32.41 euros compared to July of last year.

With the same contract conditions, but indexed to the six-month Euribor, the monthly payment for the house in July drops to 779.31 euros, 22.24 euros less than the last review in January.

In the same case, but indexed to the three-month Euribor, the monthly installment drops to 780.21 euros in July, 17.98 euros less compared to the last revision.

Note that these values were calculated considering the averages of the Euribor in the month of June of 3.715% for six months, 3.725% for three months, and 3.650% for 12 months.

This is because, for the review of variable rate loans, the average Euribor of the month prior to the contract signing is considered.

The monthly installments of the house in these credits have been decreasing since the beginning of the year, as the contract dates are renewed. The cause is justified by the decline in Euribor rates, as a result of the cut in the benchmark rates by the European Central Bank (ECB) in June and July.

The amount that has been reduced in the monthly installments may not be enough to cover your expenses if you are in a tighter situation. If this is your case, know that credit intermediaries from Poupança no Minuto can assess other options to further ease your monthly home installment.

Changing your interest rate scheme to a mixed rate, for example, can give you access to a (significantly) lower installment. To do this, it is necessary to renegotiate your current conditions, or to transfer your credit to a new institution that allows the conditions in question.

Credit intermediaries from Poupança no Minuto take care of the entire process for you, at no cost! Simulate the credit transfer directly here, so that we can start the evaluation of your case:


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