Buying and selling houses: Number of properties transacted decreased (a lot) in 2023.
The number of real estate properties that were transacted in 2023 was the lowest since 2017, having decreased by 18.7% compared to the previous year.
Value of properties bought/sold in 2023 was the lowest since 2017.
The number of real estate transactions in 2023 dropped significantly by 18.7%, representing the lowest value since 2017: 136,499.
The data is from the National Institute of Statistics, released by Notícias ao Minuto, and show significantly fewer transactions in buying and selling houses in the past year.
The statistics in question, related to construction and housing, for 2023, amounted to 28 billion euros in transactioned homes. This represents a reduction of 11.9% compared to 2022.
Furthermore, during this period, approximately 106,300 bank appraisals were carried out by experts working for banking institutions related to mortgage loan approval. This represents a decrease of 11.3% compared to the previous year.
Want to buy a house with housing credit in 2024?
Want to buy a house through a housing loan? The year 2024 may be more advantageous to do so, especially if you are under 35, with the new Government housing support measures.
Hire financing in a simple way: Leave it in the hands of the credit intermediaries of Poupança no Minuto, who, at no cost, take care of all the bureaucratic parts of the process for you and find the best proposal in the market and the most suitable for your context, among several banks.
Save time, hassle, and money with the best housing credit, with Poupança no Minuto! Simulate your home financing now: