Portugal as the 5th EU country with the lowest average salary.
According to data released by Pordata, the average salary and the national minimum wage in Portugal are among the 10 lowest in the European Union (EU). URL: pordata.pt/
Portugal is the 5th EU country with the lowest average salary.
According to data from Pordata, Portugal is the 5th country in the European Union (EU) with the lowest average salary, with agriculture and fisheries, and accommodation and food services as sectors where earnings are lower.
The data, which were shared by Notícias ao Minuto, indicate that both the average Portuguese salary and the national minimum wage are among the 10 lowest in the EU.
The labor market portrait in the EU from Pordata also reveals that, considering the cost of living, Portugal is followed by Slovakia, Greece, Hungary, and Bulgaria with the lowest average salary, with Spain having, on average, salaries one third higher than in Portugal.
"Pordata also reveals that the average annual salary per worker (without purchasing power parity) in Portugal was the 10th lowest among EU countries in 2022, with salaries in the top 10 countries being at least twice as high as those in the bottom 10 countries (including Portugal)," the news report explains.
Comparing in terms of purchasing power parity, the Portuguese minimum wage is among the 10 lowest of the 22 EU countries with a minimum wage. On the other hand, the average monthly salary of employees in Portugal, including overtime, vacation and Christmas bonuses, was 1,368 euros in 2022.
In addition, in areas with the lowest salaries, the average value was 873 euros in the accommodation and restaurant sector and 916 euros in the agriculture and fisheries sector.
On the other hand, the data shows that areas with the highest average salaries were the financial and insurance activities sector (1.705 euros), electricity, gas, and water (2.243 euros), and international organizations and other extraterritorial institutions (3.156 euros).
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