Payment deadline on Social Security Direct was extended.
Payment deadline on Segurança Social Direta was extended to five days, ensuring greater flexibility in payment management.
Social Security extends deadline for payments made on the online platform.
Payment documents issued on Segurança Social Direta will now have a longer validity period, being payable within a maximum of five days, according to the official announcement shared by Notícias ao Minuto. (Source: Notícias ao Minuto).
"The expiration date of payment documents issued on Social Security Direct was extended to five days," confirmed the Social Security Institute (ISS) in its newsletter.
With this measure, Multibanko references will now be valid for 120 hours instead of the previously established 72 hours, as reported by the institute.
The extension of the deadline aims to provide greater flexibility in payment management, especially in situations where the user issues the document.
ISS, led by Octávio Félix de Oliveira, also reminds that Social Security Direct provides payment documents with an associated deadline related to contributory obligations, without the need for additional issuance by the user.
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