Four tips to save money and avoid waste
Did you know it's possible to save money and avoid waste while being environmentally friendly? Follow these four expert tips.
Implement these tips to save money and avoid waste
According to Bernie Wiley, the sustainability director of Who Gives A Crap, a toilet paper brand, quoted in Notícias ao Minuto, there are simple changes that you can implement immediately to be more sustainable at home, also saving money in the process.
These are the tips that the expert advises to implement:
Replace cleaning products, shampoos, soaps, conditioners, and masks with solid alternatives: "They can last longer than their liquid counterparts, which makes them a great money-saver," he explains. In addition, "with minimal packaging made of recyclable paper or cardboard, these bars are also a more environmentally friendly alternative to plastic";
Reuse food containers: Try reusing all kinds of containers "from old jam jars to 'takeaway' boxes";
Avoid the single use of products and packaging: "For example, avoid using paper napkins to clean something in the kitchen and ideally use a dishcloth";
Rechargeable products should be the priority choice: “It has a positive impact on the environment, as well as on the wallet, since you are paying for the product's content and not just for the packaging.”
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