Emprego garantido depois do curso superior? Veja esta dica

Guaranteed job after finishing college? Check out this tip

You are now in the process of choosing the undergraduate course you will follow, read this tip that can help.

12 Aug 20242 min

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Read this tip if you want to have a guaranteed job after college: [URL].

When deciding which higher education course to follow, several factors should be taken into account.  

If you're still undecided about the field you'll choose, Notícias ao Minuto has a tip that can help.

As a rule, it is the heart that is at the center of young people's choice, who opt for courses that meet their preferences. However, it is important to take into consideration the employability factor. There are areas with very few job offers or poorly paid.

"Thus, it is important to reflect consciously on what you enjoy and what may bear fruit in the future", as stated in the news article.

Therefore, when making the decision, one must also consider a course that is practical and offers the opportunity to work with the promise of career advancement alongside professionals in the field. This will allow students to "contact directly with professionals who are currently influencing the market," it also reads.

So, the presence of professionals specialists in the faculty of the courses and with experience in the companies that are recruiting will help students to have an updated education from the beginning of their studies, which increases the chances of finding a job at the end of the course.  

"This is fundamental because it brings students closer to the job market and makes it easier for many students to start working from the early years of the course in areas that interest them," she concludes.

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