Related to: "Young person receiving 1,100 euros saves almost 10,000 euros in IRS in 10 years."

OE2025: O que está previsto para o IRS jovem?

OE2025: What is planned for young IRS?

New proposal for the Young IRS in 2025 aims to encourage the insertion in the labor market and the autonomy of young people up to 35 years old, offering tax benefits that decrease progressively over ten years.

23 Oct 20242 min

Como funciona o novo regime de IRS Jovem?

How does the new Young IRS regime work?

Notice how the new Young IRS regime will work, with the changes imposed by the Government to benefit young people even more.

22 Jan 20252 min

IRS Jovem: Já pode pedir à entidade empregadora para aplicar a retenção com o desconto

IRS Young: You can now ask the employer to apply the withholding tax with the discount.

If you are covered by the Young IRS, know that, from now on, you can request the application of the withholding tax discount to the employer at any time.

24 Jan 20252 min

Como funciona a contagem dos anos para o IRS jovem?

How does the counting of years work for young IRS?

Better understand how the new youth IRS regime works and how years of work are counted to benefit from it.

26 Feb 20252 min

Com a queda do Governo, o que acontece ao IRS Jovem e à garantia pública para comprar casa?

With the government falling, what happens to the Youth IRS and public guarantee for buying a home?

Measures remain in effect or are suspended? Clarify your doubts here.

13 Mar 20252 min

OE2025: Estas são as medidas que terão impacto no seu bolso

OE2025: These are the measures that will have an impact on your wallet.

The proposal for the State Budget for 2025 (OE2025), presented by the Finance Minister, brings several proposals that will have a direct impact on the wallets of the Portuguese. Let's see which ones.

14 Oct 20242 min

Trabalhadores independentes: OE2025 propõe baixar taxa de retenção do IRS

Independent workers: Budget proposal for 2025 suggests lowering IRS withholding tax rate.

The OE2025 proposals bring good news for independent workers. Read the measures involved.

17 Oct 20241 min

OE2025 pretende aumentar valor isento do subsídio de refeição em cartão

OE2025 aims to increase the tax-free value of meal subsidies on a card.

The State Budget Proposal for 2025 (OE2025) aims to increase the amount of meal allowance on a card that is exempt.

21 Oct 20242 min

Black Friday: 3 dicas para aproveitar ao máximo

Black Friday: 3 tips to make the most out

Black Friday is approaching and it is important to inform yourself beforehand about savings tips, but also to be alert so you are not deceived as a consumer. So, check out 3 tips to make the most of the discounts on the next November 24th.

09 Nov 20234 min

5 dicas para comprar (e poupar) nos saldos

5 tips for buying (and saving) on sales

The sales have already started and it can be a great time to buy that piece you need or have always wanted at lower prices. But how to find the best opportunities safely? Check out 5 tips in this article.

29 Dec 20233 min

Conheça 4 dicas para pagar menos com o contrato de telecomunicações

Discover 4 tips to pay less with the telecommunications contract.

The DECO PROteste shared 4 tips that can help you start saving on your telecommunications contract: Find out what they are.

29 Jan 20243 min

Dicas para poupar com a conta do supermercado

Tips to save money on your grocery bill.

Save time when going grocery shopping for the month? DECO PROteste explains some tips to reduce the bill, especially in times of inflation.

30 Jan 20244 min

8 dicas para poupar com créditos, seguros e outros encargos

8 tips to save on loans, insurance, and other charges.

Get to know the 8 tips from DECO Proteste, mentioned by Notícias ao Minuto, to start saving on loans, insurance, and other expenses, and improve your personal finances.

05 Feb 20246 min

6 dicas para poupar com o Dia dos Namorados

6 tips for saving on Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is around the corner and you haven't prepared anything yet? Don't worry, read 6 tips for easy and inexpensive gifts for your partner.

07 Feb 20243 min

8 aplicações para organizar as suas finanças

8 applications to organize your finances

Do you need to have more control over your wallet? You can organize your budget in order to boost your income, through financial organization applications. Get to know these 8 that we have gathered for you.

16 Feb 20243 min