Arrenda uma casa que será vendida? Exerça o seu direito de preferência

Rent a house that will be sold? Exercise your right of first refusal.

If you have a leased house and your landlord has informed you that he wants to sell the property, be aware that you can exercise your right of first refusal to purchase the house. Understand better what this means, and how to proceed with the purchase of a property, next.

05 Dec 20232 min

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Buying a house? Need a mortgage? We are here to help you! Contact us through the real estate agency Casa no Minuto and the credit intermediaries of Poupança no Minuto. Or understand how the right of first refusal works.

If the landlord sells the rented house, the tenant has the right of first refusal.

The alert is given by Deco Proteste, which is cited by Notícias ao Minuto, explaining that if a tenant has rented a house for more than two years, and the landlord wants to sell it, the tenant has the right of first refusal to purchase it.

So, if this is your situation and your landlord has informed you of the intention to sell the house where you are living, know that, as a tenant, you can exercise your right of first refusal

To do this, you must inform the landlord that you want to buy the property where you live. Deco reinforces the importance of making a "written complaint by registered mail or email", as "it serves as evidence and can be decisive in resolving your conflict".

In this communication, it is also essential to identify "who sends, the recipient and the date", as well as clarify "clearly the facts".

Finally, in order to play in your favor, you must also keep "copies of the shipment", in order to protect your right.  

See the example of communication that Deco recommends, here.

Buying a house doesn't have to be a challenge.

Are you going to buy the property you have rented? The process can be more sensitive, as you will have to invoke your right of preference before the landlord. To have assistance in this procedure, and ensure more easily that you keep the house, ask for help!

In the process of buying a house, you can rely on various supports to assist you: such as a real estate agency and credit intermediaries. Here, we provide both: the Casa no Minuto and the Poupança no Minuto, with their respective services.

The importance of turning to real estate consultants is due to having close and personalized assistance in all stages of property acquisition, and of credit intermediaries for having access to free assistance, which helps you find the best financing proposal for you.  

Contact us and understand how we can help you find your dream home, and corresponding financing, until you have the key in your hands!  


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